Support std::shared_ptr<>
Hello C++ Gurus! I'm new in qt programming, and have next problem.
I have c++ library, that I want to use in qt application. This library was created in VS2010 and uses in another applications. But there is problem in qt application when I use it, because one of the imported classes contains std::shared_ptr<> member. When compiling header of this class I get next errors( build in qt-creator, Qt 4.7.4):ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'shared_ptr' with no type
invalid use of '::'
expected ';' before '<' tokenI was checked a support of std::shared_ptr directly in qt application, and got same errors.
Is a way to support using std::shared_ptr in current or future version of qt creator?
What you can suggest to solve this problem: build qt application with c++11x features? -
To enable C++11 support for MinGW 4.4 add <code>QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++0x</code> to your .pro file.
Be aware that you usually cannot mix different compilers resp. compiler versions. If your library is compiled using MSVC2010 you will have to use MSVC2010 for your application as well.
The same way you build applications with MinGW. Make sure you've installed the Qt libraries for MSVC2010 (using the SDK maintenance utility) and the MSVC2010 compiler itself (by either installing the Windows SDK or VisualStudio 2010, which comes with the latest version of MSVC2010) and select the MSVC2010 toolchain in Qt Creator instead of the MinGW toolchain.
I use shared_ptr in qt creator. and it works fine.
but qt creator doesn't recognize the identifier in the editor.
so no highlights, no hints.
I guess its because it doesn't understand what is @QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11@ and thereby doesn't define @__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__@ in its internal parser.PS I don't use QSharedPointer in this particular case because I need library w/o qt dependencies.
[Edit: Wrapped in @ tags to prevent incorrect formatting; mlong]
[quote author="Sergey I." date="1338983415"]qt creator doesn't recognize the identifier in the editor.
so no highlights, no hints.
I guess its because it doesn't understand what is @QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11@ and thereby doesn't define @__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__@ in its internal parser.[/quote][quote author="Saul" date="1352166263"]The syntax highlighter finds std::shared_ptr if I add
to my .pro file.[/quote]
This sounds like a bug or missing feature in Qt Creator. You can report it at , so that the Qt Creator team can fix it.
[quote author="JKSH" date="1352201290"]
This sounds like a bug or missing feature in Qt Creator. You can report it at , so that the Qt Creator team can fix it.[/quote]There appears to be an existing bug report on exactly this problem, created 05/Oct/11:
It also notes the same workaround to allow auto-completion to work properly. The same problem exists in the latest eclipse IDE (juno), which is why I knew the solution.
Thanks for bringing that issue to my attention: I fixed that a while back and thus resolved the issue:-)
We do take compiler flags into account for a while now (incl. -std=Whatever) when querying the compiler for its defines. std::shared_ptr<int> is highlighted for me out of the box.
That's strange, because I am using the latest build, 2.6.0-rc, and no highlighting of std::shared_ptr was working, even though it compiled correctly i.e. I did have -std=c++11 set. I am using Ununtu 12.10, g++ 4.7.2.
Actually, just tested by creating a new project from template and added -std=c++11, all works, highlighting and accessing members through arrow access on the shared_ptr.
Never mind, my bad.
Not sure then why I had trouble when I first started my other projects (I am new to Qt Creator) -- perhaps needed to restart, or perhaps it takes a while to parse the full project to allow access to members?
Maybe it is the @DEFINES += GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X@ workaround?
sorry to revive this old post, but I'm having the same problem with
std::shared_ptrthe syntax is not recognized by QtCreator, alltought the code compiles fine
and std::unique_ptr works fine.
what is weird is if I press f2 on unique_ptr, I can see the code for shared_ptr in the same class <memory> but still the syntax is not recognized,
it's kind of irritating because the indenting is all messed up whenever I used shared_ptrUsing QtCreator 5.1.2 with MSVC2010