Can anybody tell me how to implement the graphics in my project
Mobile and Embedded
@YogeshR Connect each of your dial's 'valueChanged' signals to a slot. Slot can either be a lamda block...
connect(EngineOilDial, &QDial::valueChanged, [=](int value) { // do something with value }
or a custom class method...
connect(EngineOilDial, &QDial::valueChanged, this, &MyClass::onEngineOilChanged); ... void MyModel::onEngineOilChanged(int value) { // do something with value }
Or if you have a model object with setters for these properties you can connect them directly
connect(EngineOilDial, &QDial::valueChanged, model, &MyModel::setEngineOil);
If you were using QML this could be done even easier with property binding.