PyQt6 6.5 Dragging MainWindow causes other widgets to change color
I have an application that I am porting from pyQt5 to pyQt6
Something in Qt6 seems to have changed when I click the title bar and drag the main window around on the screen and I have no clue what to do about it...
This is what my app looks like:
This is what it looks like when I click on the title (Tabs & Text get dark):
This is how it looks in dark mode:
And this is the effect when the title is clicked / window moved around on the desktop (Tabs & Text are displayed in light colors):
When I release the mouse button everything is back to normal.
The desired effect would be that there is no color change when clicking the window's title bar - this was how it was in PyQt5.
The screenshots are from Ubuntu but the effect is the same on Windows...
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Do you have the same issue with PySide 6 ?
If not, you should contact the authors of PyQt to let them know about this issue. -
@SGaist I just checked with a simple Pyside6 application and there are elements that are "highlighted" as well.
I need to correct my previous post - I was not able to verify that the effect is the same on Windows.
I use Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS - X11 / Wayland -> no difference
I suspect that clicking on the title-bar / dragging the window now sets some widgets to disabled or at least switches to the disabled palette... :(
I just checked the behaviour on Windows 10 and the application's colors do not change when clicking the title bar :(
Which desktop environment are you using ?
So it might be related to the gtk plugin.
Can you try with the fusion style ?