Return type of QLineEdit:text
I wonder what QLineEdit.text returns?
It seems to be a QString. But based on that Issue it sometimes returns a
instance.How can I know?
Was there a change between Qt versions?
@JonB said in Return type of QLineEdit:text:
It has always been the case that PyQt and/or PySide convert freely between
and Pythonstr
for you.Mhm... This confuses me much more. :D
In the Issue I was linking there is this line of Python code
diff_cmd = str( self.edit_command.text().toUtf8() )
The reported error was "str doesn't have toUtf8()". The Issue was reported in 2018 and never fixed. But the application (incl. this
) was released more then once since 2018 and today.I can't explain that to myself. Maybe it is about a new Qt or PyQt version?
I am scared to break the code. And without knowing much more about it I have to do some real tests using older Linux distros if this would break anything.
Don't quote me on this, but Python hasencode('utf-8')
, e.g. Maybe you could do it that side? I have never understood encoding, despite asking many times and people explaining I just find it confusing! You may need an encoding expert who also does Python, maybe @SGaist will see this, if he doesn't mind he may be able to comment. -
You likely have triggered something that either was never reported or a feature that was rarely used/triggered that it went unnoticed.
From memory, even in the PyQt4 time, the bindings would not provide QString not QByteArray. My guess is that the code was translated a bit too literally from a C++ example.