Failed to insert huge data(>=2M rows) from txt file to qtable(10 columns) using QTableWidget
I have been using QTableWidget and add item to insert data to table but it's taking a lot of time to load ! is there any way to make it very efficient? saw few articles about pagination(present only few rows at a time ) will it work for column and row level filtering, sorting and search functionalities? or shall i go for view/model programming
Thanks in Advance !!! -
@pavanK993 said in Failed to insert huge data(>=2M rows) from txt file to qtable(10 columns) using QTableWidget:
is there any way to make it very efficient?
Use instead. It will also allow you filtering.
In addition to @jsulm. 2 million rows is still a lot to read from a text file and to put into an in-memory model. You may want to implement QAbstractItemModel::fetchMore() as, say, a SQL model would. Sorting will also be costly. And so on.