Help about Custom Paint Event of Progressbar
Qt for Python
Hello, I want to make a custom progressbar.
Here is I wanted:
Here is the result on Qt:
If you look closely, the polygon in the upper right has crossed the progressbar. How can I fix that?My code:
import sys, os, time from PySide6 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui from PySide6.QtWidgets import * from PySide6.QtCore import * from PySide6.QtGui import * class EProgressbar(QProgressBar): def __init__(self): super(EProgressbar, self).__init__(None) self.r, self.h = 15, 32 self.setValue(self.value()) def paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent) -> None: pt = QPainter();pt.begin(self);pt.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing,True) #pt.setRenderHint(QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform,True) path = QPainterPath();path2 = QPainterPath(); path3 = QPainterPath() BRUSH_BASE_BACKGROUND, BRUSH_BASE_FOREGROUND, BRUSH_POLYGON, BRUSH_CORNER = QColor(247,247,250), QColor(255,152,91), QColor(255,191,153), QColor(203,203,205) pt.setPen(QPen(BRUSH_CORNER,1.5));pt.setBrush(BRUSH_BASE_BACKGROUND) rect = QRect(1, 0, self.width()-2, self.h) path.addRoundedRect(rect, self.r, self.r) path2.addRoundedRect(QRect(2,2, self.value() / 100 * self.width() - 4, self.h-4), self.r, self.r) pt.drawPath(path) pt.setBrush(BRUSH_BASE_FOREGROUND) pt.drawPath(path2) pt.setPen(Qt.NoPen) pt.setBrush(BRUSH_POLYGON) start_x = 20 y, dx = 3, 6 polygon_width = 14 polygon_space =18 #15#18 progress_filled_width = self.value()/self.maximum()*self.width() for i in range(100): x = start_x + (i*polygon_width) + (i*polygon_space) if x >= progress_filled_width or (x+ polygon_width >= progress_filled_width): break path2.addPolygon(QPolygon([ QPoint(x, y), QPoint(x+polygon_width, y), QPoint(x+polygon_width/2, self.h-y), QPoint(x-polygon_width/2, self.h-y), #QPoint(15, d*2), #QPoint(10, self.h-d*2), #QPoint(10, d * 2), #QPoint(15, self.h-d*2), ])) pt.drawPath(path2) font = QFont('Helvetica', 11, weight=QFont.Bold) pt.setFont(font) pt.setPen(Qt.white) pt.drawText(QRect(2,2,self.width()-4,self.h-4), Qt.AlignCenter, f"%{self.value()}") pt.end() if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) wind = QMainWindow();wind.setStyleSheet("QMainWindow{background-color:blue}") wind.setWindowTitle("EProgressBar") wind.resize(200,150) #wid = QWidget() #lay = QHBoxLayout(wid) #lay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) e = EProgressbar() e.setValue(80) e.setGeometry(QRect(10,10,170,250)) #lay.addWidget(e) #wind.setCentralWidget(wid) e.setParent(wind) sys.exit(app.exec())
@SGaist Wow thank you very much!
I fixed with pt.setClipPath(path2, Qt.ClipOperation.ReplaceClip)Some part of total code:
progress_filled_width = self.value()/self.maximum()*self.width() pt.setClipPath(path2, Qt.ClipOperation.ReplaceClip) for i in range(100):