Can't Build Qt 6.2 Big Sur 11.6: The moc executable does not exist for qt_target_qml_sources_example_resources_3
I can't build 6.2.0 from git on Big Sur.
I get the error The moc executable does not exist for qt_target_qml_sources_example_resources_3.
Could someone help me?XCode 13.0
MacOS 11.6
Llvm 13.0 from brewgit clone git:// qt6
cd qt6
git checkout 6.2.0
perl init-repository --module-subset=default,-qtwebengine
cd ..
mkdir 6.2.0
cd 6.2.0
../qt6/configure -release -static -developer-build -mp -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests --confirm-license -silent -skip qtwebengine-- Configuring done
CMake Error: AUTOMOC for target qt_target_qml_sources_example_resources_3: The "moc" executable "/Users/cgk/qt/6.2.0/qtbase/libexec/moc" does not exist.
CMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
CMake Error at /Users/cgk/qt/qt6/qtbase/cmake/QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake:947 (message):
CMake exited with code 1.The full output is here.