Create a timeline GUI with possibility of zoom and mouse interaction
Dear all, I would like to use PyQt5 to create a timeline just like the one in the figure below. I found it here: Is it possible? Unfortunately I am a noob, so I don't know where to start. Any suggestions are welcome
You should start with the right part first.
What data are you going to work on ?
@SGaist I'm looking for a code that, with some modifications, could fit well with the project, for example this sequencer: Unfortunately if I had to start from scratch with the project I would not know how to do it
As suggested in my other thread, kdenlive can be a good source of inspiration.
I am not aware of such an application in Python (does not mean it does not exists).
Note that translating Qt code from C++ to Python is not the hardest thing to do.
Depending on your need and time, you might want to create Python bindings to reuse existing classes.