class HMI to another class how make the dialog?
I am working on a graphical interface which uses the HMI class to control a widget lcdNumber.
in another class i need to modify the value of lcdNumber but as I am no longer in the same class, the widget is no longer accessible and I have a message "self is not define).i don't know how can i do this ? (i just put a piece of code i didn't put all the variables and configuration so you can see more clearly)
Thank you for your helpcode_text ```class HMI(QDialog): def __init__(self): super(HMI, self).__init__() loadUi('BAI.ui',self) self.checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.Alstom2570) #Programme Alstom -25°C à 70°C valider appel de la fonction Alstom2570 self.spinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.etuve) self.lcdNumber.display(count) #stateChanged class Pi_hat_adc: def __init__(self,bus_num=1,addr=ADC_DEFAULT_IIC_ADDR): self.bus=Bus(bus_num) self.addr=addr print("adc") def Alstom2570class(): global count while T < SB : #tant quon est a froid (en dessous du seuil bas GPIO.output(16, GPIO.HIGH) #met la pin 16 à 1 (GPIO23) count=count+1 #incrémentation de la variable count pour compter les démarrages self.lcdNumber.display(count) QtTest.QTest.qWait((TonF)) # on bloque la sortie GPIO a 1 pendant 15 min
You can use signals and slots to communicate properly between your classes.
Thanks a lot,
for exemple in my code if i run like that i have error message on line :code_text ``` self.lcdNumber.display(count)" self is not defined.
So i have try to replace this ligne by :
and new error is : self.HMI.lcdNumber.connect(self.display(count))
AttributeError: 'Pi_hat_adc' object has no attribute 'HMI'in fact i try to write the "count" variable of lcdNumber widget where is in class HMI
@ZZR69 said in class HMI to another class how make the dialog?:
self.lcdNumber.display(count)" self is not defined.
Well, you seem to call this in a function which is not a method. Please show the code where you call this...
thanks , here you are the start code with HMI class where i write 0 in lcdNumber :
class HMI(QDialog): def __init__(self): super(HMI, self).__init__() loadUi('BAI.ui',self) self.checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.Alstom2570) #Programme Alstom -25°C à 70°C valider appel de la fonction Alstom2570 self.spinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.etuve) self.lcdNumber.display(count) #stateChanged
After i have create a function called alstom2570()
def Alstom2570(self): #Fonction appele lors de la selection du programme Alstom -25°C à 70°C #Toutes les variables sont declare et initialise pour correspondre au programme T2 print("case coche")#debug global SB #definition de la variable SB (temperature seuil bas mise ss tension) global SH #definition de la variable SH (temperature seuil haut mise ss tension) SB=600 #variable definissant le seuil de temperature basse (si la temperature etuve descend sous -20°C mise ss tension)-20°C=600mV SH=3001 #variable definissant le seuil de temperature haute (si la temperature etuve depasse 65°C mise ss tension) 65°C=3001mV ####on choisis -20 et 65 afin d etre sur que l etuve arrive a ces temperature et quil n'y ai pas doscillation de temperature ###ayant pour effet des demarrages alleatoirs global TonF TonF=15*60000 #Temps ON 15min en ms (mise ss tension) a froid (seuil bas) global ToffF ToffF=15*60000 #Temps OFF 15min (mise hors tension) à froid (seuil bas) global T #T=-25 #uniquement pour debug ensuite T sera la value par ladc print("appel programme alstom2570") Alstom2570class() #appel de la fonction permettant de sortir de class interface graphique Qt
in this function i call anoter function named Alstom2570class and here i need to write in lcdNumber :
but i can't acces to lcdNumber in this function...
If that:
@ZZR69 said in class HMI to another class how make the dialog?:Alstom2570class() #appel de la fonction permettant de sortir de class interface graphique Qt
refers to:
@ZZR69 said in class HMI to another class how make the dialog?:def Alstom2570class()
then you have an issue in your understanding of how Python classes work as well as the signals and slots concept of Qt.
I would recommend to take a step back and start with a minimal application showing a QSpinBox and a QLabel. Then connect the spin box to a slot that will update the QLabel with its value. Once you have that working, you'll be able to implement your application.