Receiving NV21 pixel format from camera using an implemented QAbstractVideoSurface class but result is gray not colorful
Mobile and Embedded
The following code is used to write every video frame.
but the result is gray.problem 1 :
frame.image().isNull();// true forever
problem 2 :
frame.image().convertToFormat(someFormat).isNull();//true forever
problem 3 :
QImage defaultImage ( frame.bits ( ), frame.width ( ), frame.height ( ), frame.bytesPerLine ( ), QImage::Format_Grayscale8 );// this operation does not work for every format and many of those make our result image null other than Alpha8, Mono, MonoLSB (all make our image terrible), Indexed, grayscale8 (gray style)
bool VideoSurfacer::present ( const QVideoFrame & f ) { QVideoFrame frame ( f ); if ( frame.isValid ( ) && ( QAbstractVideoBuffer::MapMode::ReadWrite ) ) { QImage defaultImage ( frame.bits ( ), frame.width ( ), frame.height ( ), frame.bytesPerLine ( ), QImage::Format_Grayscale8 ); QString path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation ( QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation ) + "/download/" + QString::number ( ++i ); QFile ( path + ".jpg" ).remove ( ); ( path + ".jpg", "JPG" ); frame.unmap ( ); } return true; }
attention : QVideoFrame::imageFormatFromPixelformat(frame.pixelFormat());
returns Format_Invalid which makes our image terrible like Mono etc -
So from the documentation you can only access it when mapping the frame. So you have to manage the data yourself.
Did you check the handle type ?
Handle type is NoHandle
So from the documentation you can only access it when mapping the frame. So you have to manage the data yourself.