Qtablewidget display
I have this small problem . I want do some changes in my QTablewidget, in the first it show like in the photo
but when i do a query to have some data from my database would change, i know the reason why it because of i limite the column in 5, i don't know how to fix it,
Can someone help me modify my code to create qtablewidger without a limite of #5 columnscursor=db.cursor() row = int(QObject.sender(self).objectName()) id = self.ui.tableWidget_2.item(row, 0).text() print(id) #y=(str(id)) #result = self.c.execute("SELECT * from prix2 WHERE ID_pu="+str(y)) result= cursor.execute("SELECT PU.id_pu, PU.ref_pu, PU.desig_pu, PU.unite, PU.prix FROM PU WHERE id_pu ="+str(y)) #result= cursor.execute(command,y) #self.conn.commit() x = result.fetchone() print(x) numcols = len(x) self.ui.tableWidget_3.setColumnCount(numcols) self.ui.tableWidget_3.insertRow(0) self.ui.tableWidget_3.insertColumn(5) rowPosition = self.ui.tableWidget_3.rowCount() print(rowPosition) #for row_ in range(rowPosition): for column in range(numcols): self.ui.tableWidget_3.setItem(0, column, QTableWidgetItem((str(x[column])))) self.ui.tableWidget_3.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows)
Your select query does work and it contains references to 5 fields thus you will create that many headers for your model.
The same is going to happen the other way around.
Hard to understand what you actually want. In your example you choose to goself.ui.tableWidget_3.setColumnCount(numcols)
, you could goself.ui.tableWidget_3.setColumnCount(numcols + 3)
to allow for the 3 computed columns you're going to calculate. -
@JonB Thanks for your respond but ita aint working.
I can explain it again, i have a table that i edit in QDesigner, the columns to have some headers when i display the query the headers modify themselves because i limite the loop for.
Now, i want find a way to display my query without a limite ! in the loop so they would change the headers the 3 leasts columnsi try this
result= cursor.execute("SELECT PU.id_pu, PU.ref_pu, PU.desig_pu, PU.unite, PU.prix FROM PU WHERE id_pu ="+str(y)) x = result.fetchone() numcols = len(x) self.ui.tableWidget_3.insertRow(0) for column, data in enumerate(x): self.ui.tableWidget_3.setItem(0, column, QTableWidgetItem(str(x)))
with this code the table doesnt change but, the data of the query is in each column someone can help me to fixe it the fill in each culumn a item
The next question is going to be: why not use Qt's SQL module with a QSqlQueryModel ?