Filter QTableView rows with QSortFilterProxyModel and ComboBox
Its been two days that I'm trying to implement this thing, but can't figure it out.
I'm using Pyside2, python 3.8, Qt 5.
I have a
with aQAbstractTableModel
to it. I have a Combobox (ComboBoxColumns) that lists all my columns headers, and a second Combobox (ComboBoxValues) that lists all the distinct values in the column that is selected in the ComboBoxColumns. My two ComboBoxs are connected to two different QStringListModel. -
What I want is to only keep the rows where the Value(row, ComboboxColumns.currentIndex) == ComboBoxValues.currentIndex.
I'm trying to implement a ProxyModel class from QSortFilterProxyModel, even after two days of reading documentations and other threads on StackOverflow, Qt Forum. I still have no clue on how to do it.
If someone can guide me through this, at least just to put me on the right rails, I'd be thankful.
Wouldn't it be simpler to set the same model on your combox and set the appropriate model column based on your ComboBoxColumns selection ?
There's an example in the QSortFilterProxyModel documentation.