slowly memory leakage durring linux-based process running
Hi, I have made the Qt-widget app which is handeled by linux kernel. the project is commercially sensetive and i can not paste it here. the main job of program is getting large amount of modbus data and ui management based on data analysis. everything is ok but the memory usage grows slowly over the time. after 14 hours the ram usage percent moves from ~25% to ~35%. is this normal process ?
the system has very sensetive job and it must work for hours of the day continouosly. additional information:
1- i have monitored RSS and VSZ. both of them are growing slowly with the same steps.
2- the mainwindow has the ownership of all Qt objects.
3- i have used multiple sql queries localy in my functions but the database will be removed after doing jobs. -
@MABahar According to it should
@MABahar said in slowly memory leakage durring linux-based process running:
i think that Valgrind can not be used on ARM arch. is it wrong ?
But even if it's not (I don't know) I guess that you could give it a try running your application under Linux for x86 for instance.
That way if it's a "basic" or "common" leak (no OS dependent), you could still have some insights from that tool