Can we deploy on iOS using Network instead of the cable like XCode does?
Is it normal that QtCreator sees my iPhone disconnected although it is connected through the network in XCode?
I can build in Qt but not deploy. If I open the generated xcodeproj in XCode, I've no issue to deploy (using the Network).
Is there a trick to make it work directly in QtCreator?(I'm running MacOS in a VM, I had to use USB Network Gate in order to connect the iPhone. Now that the phone is paired, I can just connect from XCode using Wifi. That's convenient as USB Network Gate isn't free and the demo expires after 14 days.)
I might be wrong here but I don't think Qt Creator currently knows how to handle an iPhone through a network connection.
Hi, re. deployment of your mobile app thru WiFi (not cable) from Qt Creator: it's not working but I think it's an upcoming feature.
But there are 3rd party apps out there that can help push your app bundle to your iphone across WiFi, I use one called ios-deploy
You should be able to install it using homebrew inside your VM:
brew install ios-deploy
To deploy, first check that the iPhone is up and running on your network:
ios-deploy -c [....] Waiting up to 5 seconds for iOS device to be connected [....] Found a02328a4bc16005421432a3071eb5bcacd25a6a23a (D211AP, iPhone 8 Plus, iphoneos, arm64) a.k.a. 'HenrysPhone' connected through WIFI.
Then navigate to your build folder and deploy to the phone, example:
cd /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos ios-deploy --bundle [....] Waiting for iOS device to be connected [....] Using a02328a4bc16005421432a3071eb5bcacd25a6a23a (D211AP, iPhone 8 Plus, iphoneos, arm64) a.k.a. 'HenrysPhone'. ------ Install phase ------ [ 0%] Found a02328a4bc16005421432a3071eb5bcacd25a6a23a (D211AP, iPhone 8 Plus, iphoneos, arm64) a.k.a. 'HenrysPhone' connected through WIFI, beginning install [ 5%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 6%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 8%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 10%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 11%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 13%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 15%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 17%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 18%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 20%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 44%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 46%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 48%] Copying /Users/henry/Projects/build-untitled-Qt_5_15_0_for_iOS-Release/Release-iphoneos/ to device [ 52%] CreatingStagingDirectory [ 57%] ExtractingPackage [ 60%] InspectingPackage [ 60%] TakingInstallLock [ 65%] PreflightingApplication [ 65%] InstallingEmbeddedProfile [ 70%] VerifyingApplication [ 75%] CreatingContainer [ 80%] InstallingApplication [ 85%] PostflightingApplication [ 90%] SandboxingApplication [ 95%] GeneratingApplicationMap [100%] Installed package
It should be possible to add that command ios-deploy --bundle as a custom deployment step in Qt Creator, but I haven't tested it yet, also I am not using the debugger (instead just depending on qDebug())