problem in generating .so files using msys2 tool for qt on android
I am trying to port my qt project on Android. I am using qt5.14.1 and NDK r21 with SDK API level 26. In the project, I used Openssl libraries for internet connectivity. Now I am trying to generate OpenSSL libs(i.e., using msys2 tool. I refer to generate the libraries.
its getting error that the GCC compiler for android not found. Please tell me how can I set the path for the android GCC compiler and generate OpenSSL libraries or is there any other method to generate these libraries.
I also tried with and libraries but its getting errors due to some compatibility issues.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Please take a look at KDAB's Androïd OpenSSL project. It should simplify things.
thanks for reply. I tried those libraries. get request is working fine in it but the post request is not working.
QUrl targateUrl = m_apiUrlHelper->getLoginURL()+"?clientName="+ m_apiUrlHelper->getServerClientName(); qDebug() << targateUrl; QVariantMap feed; feed.insert("username",userName); feed.insert("password",password); QByteArray payload=QJsonDocument::fromVariant(feed).toJson(); qDebug() << payload; //send request to url QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl(targateUrl); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader,"application/json"); QNetworkAccessManager *restclient; //in class restclient = new QNetworkAccessManager(); //constructor connect(&m_loginprocessor, SIGNAL(dataReady(QString)), this, SLOT(handleGetUserResponse(QString))); connect(restclient, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), &m_loginprocessor, SLOT(handleAPIResponse(QNetworkReply*))); restclient->setStrictTransportSecurityEnabled(true); restclient->post(request,payload);
I tried this for post request. This code is working fine on windows platform but for android platform it doesn't give any responce. I didn't understand is there any issue with libraries or code. any sugestions on it.
Did you deploy the OpenSSL libraries along your application on Android ?
yes I did. the get request is working in it.