libqt4-multimedia in qt4.8
I'm developing control app on Raspberry Pi.
I wanted to apply sound alarms, when specific events occured telling for example about signal disapear,, and QSound is looking like something I need, but I still get error: " cannot find -lQtMultimedia" after added "QT+= multimedia" to pro file.
I noticed that in "/usr/include/qt4" I don't have required librarry.
Doesn't help:
apt-get install qtmultimedia5-dev
apt-get install qml-module-qtmultimedia
apt install libqt5multimedia5I think what I need is libqt4-multimedia, but it looks like it was removed...
apt searching giving me all libs I need for example libqt4-network or libqt4-svg
but I can't find libqt4-multimedia.QMake version 3.1
I have both: Qt version 5.11.3 and 4.8 but this is little older project written in 4.8.Please help me to make QSound working or maybe is a another way to make sound alarms?
@Pauaqq said in libqt4-multimedia in qt4.8:
I think what I need is libqt4-multimedia
If you're using Qt 5 then no, you don't need it as it is for Qt 4.
So: which Qt version do you actually use? Qt 5 or Qt 4? -
@jsulm said in libqt4-multimedia in qt4.8:
@Pauaqq Which Qt 4 packages did you install?
You should also consider to use Qt 5 instead of Qt 4 as Qt 4 reached end of life long time ago.
I installed "libqt4-dev" and these was automatic installed:
libqt4-dbus, libqt4-declarative, libqt4-designer, libqt4-dev-bin, libqt4-help,
libqt4-network, libqt4-opengl, libqt4-opengl-dev, libqt4-qt3support, libqt4-script,
libqt4-scripttools, libqt4-sql, libqt4-sql-mysql, libqt4-sql-sqlite, libqt4-svg,
libqt4-test, libqt4-xml, libqt4-xmlpatternsYeah, I know. This is little older project I need to add some features to it asap.
You may have to use the Qt 4 phonon module.