Peripheral connect with Windows BLE
Hi everyone,
I have make a little application to connect my computer (laptop Windows with intern BLE) with a peripheral device in BLE.
I am able to detect this device.
After that, I create a central role and pass as arguments my device peripheral detected.
And after that i launch connection with :void QLowEnergyController::connectToDevice()
and i wait my connect active :
but in fact, nothing is happening.
If I look on my icon BLE on windows 10 (manage notification tab) I see my BLE icon switch between connected(1) / not connected...So I understand there is something wrong.
My peripheral device need code (password 123456) to pair before connect on it service.
I thinks this is the problem .. but on Qt ,
I did not see any connection function where you could pass the password.Is there such a function?
Martial -
Any idea team ??
@martial123 Is the password required before or after the service discover ?
If it's after the discovery, you could potentially the writeDescriptor function to transfer data. I use it to subscribe to the service.
Is this what you mean?
Hi ! , unfortunatly, this is before discover services, here my code to better understand ( inspire from example of Qt heart game ):m_deviceDiscoveryAgent = new QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent(this); connect(m_deviceDiscoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered, this, &MainWindow::addDevice); void MainWindow::on_m_scanBLEButton_clicked() { qDebug()<< " we are in scan ble button "<<endl; //m_deviceDiscoveryAgent->setLowEnergyDiscoveryTimeout(5000); m_deviceDiscoveryAgent->start(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::LowEnergyMethod); } // I push on scan button, this slot start(just above) and the connect are true when agent discover low energy device. when we have this, we jump in slot addDevice: void MainWindow::addDevice(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &device) { // If device is LowEnergy-device, add it to the list if (device.coreConfigurations() & QBluetoothDeviceInfo::LowEnergyCoreConfiguration) { if( == "CERTIF") // I filter because i just want to add my device named CERTIF. { ui->m_deviceAvailableTextBox->append(; ui->m_deviceAvailableTextBox->append(device.address().toString()); //append my device CERTIF and his mac address m_control = QLowEnergyController::createCentral(device, this); //here I creat a central (my pc ) with this device (CERTIF) m_control->setRemoteAddressType(QLowEnergyController::RandomAddress); //or //m_control->setRemoteAddressType(QLowEnergyController::PublicAddress); } } } //so after that, I see on my TextBox (m_deviceAvailableTextBox) CERTIF and his adress. //Now I click on an other Pushbutton : void MainWindow::on_m_connectBLEButton_clicked() { qDebug()<< " we are in connect ble button "<<endl; m_control->connectToDevice(); //main point were FAILLED. } // slot in case or we are connect or error appears: connect(m_control, QOverload<QLowEnergyController::Error>::of(&QLowEnergyController::error),[this](QLowEnergyController::Error error) { qDebug()<< "cannot be connect to the controller "<<error<<endl; ui->m_deviceAvailableTextBox->append("cannot be connect to the controller..."); }); connect(m_control, &QLowEnergyController::connected,[this]() { qDebug()<< "we are in connect controller "<<endl; ui->m_deviceAvailableTextBox->append("Controller connected. Search services..."); //m_control->discoverServices(); });
the point is, none of the slots are triggered, connected no and Error no, I have just my app runing ,and if i check my tab on my laptop On bluetooth icon I see my BLE icon switch between connected(1) / not connect.
What i know, with nRF connect software and dongle nRF, I am able to connect with my device CERTIF because after scan, i try to pair (connect) with this and nRF software open window were i can write down my password (123456) and just after that, I am connected and i can connect to a service ..
In Qt I am bloqued just before ..
I hope this is more clear..Thanks
well, this seems more like an BLE issue than Qt.The windows api is still,
can you pair/connect to it from the windows settings directly ? before trying it with qt? -
Good Question, I have try, but not succeed . i click on add device bluetooth, i detect him, i click on him and i receive this just below CERTIF : try connecting your device again .
I have check on my device manager and my laptop have puce with BLE :Edit:
I will try to remove this password in my firmware device, for check if error come from here . but your right, propably it is Window error and not Qt. But still, this is strange that not have any function to pass password to connect ...if I managed to connect with my dongle, the problem would be quickly resolved.. see my other topic: -
ooh, and I have this log in my Qt app after long time to connect :
qt.bluetooth.winrt: Could not await services operation