nRF connect dongle with Qt for windows
General and Desktop
Hi everyone,
I have a dongle nRF52 connect USB from Nordic Semiconductor brand plug in USB on my laptop with Windows 10.
I would like to use Qt to detect some LE device around me with this dongle .. Is it possible ?I am trying to do with Heart Game example from Qt but it detect nothing and it pass with Bluetooth antenna from windows(my laptop) to search and not from my dongle..
How i can make this link ? is it my job or Qt BLE library are able to do that ??Thank you for your help.
Ps : I use Qt creator 5.14.1 with MSVC 17 64 Bits .
Hi @martial123,
I have the same setup as you and I'm looking to use my nRf52 as a master in my Qt application.
Have you found a solution to your problem ?