[PyQt5] Qlabel doesn't update
I want to display measurement from my raspberry pi on my gui. Everything is working fine except it displays the value from when the script has been started and doesn't update the Label after new measurements. I'm a beginner with Python and with Qt, what am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help!import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QMainWindow, QLabel from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap import board import Adafruit_DHT import busio import adafruit_ccs811 import time # I2C-Bus definieren #i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) # CCS811 (CO2-Sensor) an den I2C-Bus anbinden #ccs811 = adafruit_ccs811.CCS811(i2c) # Sensor Typ auswählen (DHT11), GPIO Pin auswhählen (GPIO6) und Daten in Variable schreiben sensor = Adafruit_DHT.DHT11 pin = 6 humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin) # CCS811 (CO2-Sensor) Bereitschaft abfragen und auslesen falls bereit #def get_CO2(): # if not ccs811.data_ready: # CO2 = "Nicht bereit" # else if True: # CO2 = ccs811.eco2 # CO2 = str(CO2) # return(CO2) class App(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Klima- & CO2-Logger' self.left = 10 self.top = 10 self.width = 480 self.height = 320 self.UI() def UI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left, self.top, self.width, self.height) if temperature is not None: Temperatur1 = str(temperature) else: Temperatur1 = "...." if humidity is not None: Luftfeuchtigkeit1 = str(humidity) else: Luftfeuchtigkeit1 = "...." label = QLabel('Temperatur', self) label.setStyleSheet("font: 16pt MS Shell Dlg 2") label.resize((131),(41)) label.move(20,20) label2 = QLabel(self) Bild1 = QPixmap('Temperatur1.png') label2.setPixmap(Bild1) label2.resize((71),(121)) label2.move(50,80) label3 = QLabel(self) label3.setText(Temperatur1 +'°C') label3.setStyleSheet("font: 14pt MS Shell Dlg 2") label3.resize((71),(41)) label3.move(50,240) label4 = QLabel('Luftfeuchte', self) label4.setStyleSheet("font: 16pt MS Shell Dlg 2") label4.resize((121),(41)) label4.move(180,20) label5 = QLabel(self) Bild2 = QPixmap('Luftfeuchte1.png') label5.setPixmap(Bild2) label5.resize((91),(101)) label5.move(190,90) label6 = QLabel(self) label6.setText(Luftfeuchtigkeit1 +'%') label6.setStyleSheet("font: 14pt MS Shell Dlg 2") label6.resize((65),(41)) label6.move(220,240) label7 = QLabel('CO2-Gehalt', self) label7.setStyleSheet("font: 16pt MS Shell Dlg 2") label7.resize((121),(41)) label7.move(340,20) label8 = QLabel(self) Bild3 = QPixmap('CO2.png') label8.setPixmap(Bild3) label8.resize((121),(71)) label8.move(340,100) # label9 = QLabel(self) # label.setText(get_CO2 +'ppm') # label9.setStyleSheet("font: 14pt MS Shell Dlg 2") # label9.resize((91),(41)) # label9.move(360,240) label10 = QLabel('by Tim Kaiser', self) label10.move(380,295) self.show() time.sleep(2.0) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = App() sys.exit(app.exec_())
@DrKaiser said in [PyQt5] Qlabel doesn't update:
In the code you posted I do not see where you're actually getting the data from the sensor?
I suggest to use QTimer with a timeout. Connect a slot to the times timeout and in that slot callhumidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)
and set the values yout get from sensor in your labels.
@DrKaiser Please start with documentation, there are examples: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtimer.html
@DrKaiser said in [PyQt5] Qlabel doesn't update:
Sigh. You should also read about layouts...