Setting up the android tool chain
Hello, i have no luck with setting up the android tool chain. NDK r21+Sdk+Qt 5.9.9
I have installed the NDK and SDK ( Sdk over the android developer suite) (
In the Qt Creator under Devices the green arrows shows NDK SDK and Java OK.
But if i want to compile any example project i get errors:
qmake -> Cannot run target compiler i686-linux-android-g++
Ok the g++ is not include the NDK r21
cmake -> No target architecture defined in json file.
CLang ok, androiddeployqt Error 2,(android developer suite works ok with emulator)
Thanks for help. -
hi and welcome @sirAnton said in Setting up the android tool chain:
NDK r21+Sdk+Qt 5.9.9
you actually quoted the android getting started page in your post,
you're using the wrong NDK version for Qt 5.9
Hi and welcome in devnet forum
@sirAnton said in Setting up the android tool chain:
Hello, i have no luck with setting up the android tool chain. NDK r21+Sdk+Qt 5.9.9
This will not work. NDK is too young for it.
Try a recent version of Qt libs compiled for Android with a recent version of SDK and NDK.
For Qt 5.12.1 you can use
For Qt5.14.1
That is on windows 10 64 bit
AFAIK the compiler changed with Qt5.12. You would need to check docs what was recommended with Qt5.9.