QScroller "stateChanged" event not triggered
Qt for Python
In my application, I have a QGraphicsView in which I can scoll Items using the QScroller:
self.graphicsScroller = QScroller() self.graphicsScroller.grabGesture(self.viewport(), self.graphicsScroller.TouchGesture)
This works pretty well. However, if I want to subscribe to the stateChanged event:
To trigger the scrollerStateChanged method:
@Slot(QScroller.State) def scrollerStateChanged(self, newState): print("scroller state changed")
This doesn't work.
I already tried the more convenient way by using QScroller without local reference:
QScroller.grabGesture(self.viewport(), QScroller.TouchGesture) QScroller.stateChanged.connect(self.scrollerStateChanged)
Works for scrolling, but stateChanged event is not triggered.
Additionally I tried with lambda expressions, but also no result.Am I'm missing something here?
Thanks in advance for any help on this! -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I haven't used that class but based on the class documentation, I would guess the code should be something like:
QScroller.grabGesture(self.viewport(), QScroller.TouchGesture) scroller = QScroller.scroller(self.viewport()) scroller.stateChanged.connect(self.scrollerStateChanged)