how to run in background on mobile
i want to run an application in the background, it should act as crontab to play reminders, it should run on desktop and ios
should i use qprocess and start as detached ? or what is the best way to do it?
how can i ask for the priveledge needed?thanks
hi @SherifOmran
you can do that rather easy in android, using a background process, see this blog post of KDAB for a working example:
files: iOS, that's a different matter, you'll actually have to request permission from Apple for that. Once you have that, I'm unsure how to proceed from there. You'll have to do it in native Objective-C code as there's definitely no Qt API for it
@SGaist : yes these types of reminders what i am looking for, but which api is it? do you have a working example for it?
thank you
Not directly but you have this stack overflow answer that covers the iOS API in Objective-C and for Android, there's an example in the QtAndroidExtras module.