rotate a Qlabel
Mobile and Embedded
Hello guys i'm trying to rotate a text on my Qlabel and nothing it works all methods i found on the internet didn't works so i used QGraphicsScene . this is one of the methode i found on the interenet and that worked for someone but perhaps i'm using it in a wrong way, even if i don't know how am I using it wrongly
QLabel* m_memoryCapacity = new QLabel(""); QVBoxLayout* vboxAlignement = new QVBoxLayout(); vboxAlignement->addWidget(m_memoryCapacity); vboxAlignement->addStretch(1); ..... m_memoryCapacity->setText(o_l_memoryValue); //o_l_memoryValue is my label QGraphicsScene scene; QGraphicsProxyWidget * proxy = scene.addWidget(o_l_memoryValue); proxy->setRotation(-45); QGraphicsView view(&scene);;
it gave me this error QGraphicsProxyWidget::setWidget: cannot embed widget 0x3ccf8f0 which is not a toplevel widget, and is not a child of an embedded widget
@benamiar said in rotate a Qlabel:
i tried but still not working with that methode so i used the draw event methode so redraw my Label. so now it's working but not with QGraphicScene
Q2VerticalLabel::Q2VerticalLabel(QString text) { setFixedSize(80,250); setText(text); } void Q2VerticalLabel::setVerticalLabelFont(QFont font) { setFont(font); } void Q2VerticalLabel::setVerticalLabelText(QString text) { setText(text); } void Q2VerticalLabel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { QStylePainter painter(this); painter.translate(rect().center()); painter.rotate(90); painter.translate(-rect().center()); painter.drawText(0, 0, text()); }
Why are you using a QLabel rather than a QGraphicsTextItem ?