Support for arm8 ?
I'm working on a device which has an arm8 processor, this is a handheld device. Currently QT support is from the manufacturer but unfortunately the SDK only goes up to Qt 4.8.3.
Is there a newer version of Qt available for arm8 processors?
Specifically I need one that includes QJSEngine.
If you have a cross-toolchain that is recent enough you should be able to build Qt 5.
The problem I'm having now, is that I have the tool chain, I've built the project, but I cannot deploy it to the target device because Qt Creator wants a private key and won't let me connect using a username and password.
I'm struggling because I don't know how or if I can alter the target device to use a private key.
Why isn't there an option to use password anymore?
To use that option go back to Qt Creator 4.8.
See QTCREATORBUG-22030 for more information about that matter.