Flickering Animations on QNX
Hi, we are currently experiencing issues running Qt UI applications on a ZCU102 evaluation board running QNX 7. The issue manifests as a black flickering that occurs whenever there is any animation on the screen. The same applications run fine without flickering on Desktop Linux. We've tested on different monitors/cables.
When running built in graphics demos (on the ZCU102 board), this flickering does not occur, only when running Qt UI applications. We are attempting to run Qt Quick 2 applications, but the issue also manifests when running Qt demos such as the OpenGLWindow example application.
The animation test application we are running is using Qt Quick 2 and is a simple Rectangle animating back and forth.
The following video is running the animation test on Desktop Linux
https://streamable.com/53554And this video is the display out from the QNX target:
https://streamable.com/84svaThe graphics.conf we are using is here:
begin khronos begin egl display 1 egl-dlls = libmali.so glesv1-dlls = libmali.so glesv2-dlls = libmali.so gpu-dlls = libmali-kbase.so end egl display begin wfd device 1 wfd-dlls = libwfdcfg-zcu102.so libWFDzynq.so end wfd device end khronos begin winmgr begin globals input-logsize = 8192 input = keyboard mouse requests-logsize = 65536 alloc-config = zynq-alloc end globals begin display internal video-mode = 1280 x 720 @ 60 end display begin class framebuffer display = internal pipeline = 2 format = rgba8888 usage = sw end class end winmgr
It seems that the streams coming from the actual process are good and do not have the flicker (under /dev/screen/[process-id]/str-0, but the frame buffer under /dev/screen/0/str-1 does contain the flickering.
I also have all of the debugging output from /dev/screen/ on the target device, but I am unable to upload all of the files to the forum due to privileges.
There might not be anyone here being able to answer QNX related question. You should check the #qt-qnx IRC channel on freenode to see if you can have somebody taking a look at you thread here.