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    2 Posts

    @MrMeszaros you can style it anyway you want to. just add wrapper and style it to your liking:

    section.delegate: Rectangle{ width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height color: "red" required property string section Text { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: parent.section font.bold: true color: "blue" font.pointSize: 13 } }
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    3 Posts

    @SGaist That's pretty close to what I like to achieve. Unfortunately I am using a QML TableView. The only difference to the FrozenColumnExample is that my Frozen Rows have a dynamic count. A binary role in my table model determines to which section the entry belongs to. I will try to adapt the FrozenColumnExample to my case in QML. That was my idea anyway, but I was hoping for more simple solution ;) Substituting the sections with seperate TableViews and using a QSortFilterProxyModel to simulate the section behavior is the way to go I guess. Thx for your tip.