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    They both seem like dead projects, nothing you can rely on.

    grassator/react-qml last commit was Dec 15, 2017
    only 1 contributor, only active 4 years ago.

    ongseespace/react-qml last commit was Mar 26, 2020
    had 2 contributors, most active 3-4 years ago.

    As you may sensed for the extremely few amount of responses before and considering that ReactJS is since many many years one the most prominent JavaScript library in the world, mostly top 1 ( It looks not to be in the priority of the Qt strategy.

    Looking at the architecture of Qt, they seem pretty much incompatible. Qt is a complete stack with a complete e2e experience. Where you don't want to mix other stacks or other frameworks.

    That also means, I think, you cannot for example create QML based components that are reusable in other frontend stacks, where the backend may be anything else. QML are closed components.

    So, in other words no support for Web Components specification:
    which was created to be able to produce reusable components.

    If anybody, disagrees or have more insights, happy to know about it :)