Got a solution for that question by myself.
The solution works also for right aligned text.
void MyHeaderView::paintSection(QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, int logicalIndex) const
// The Icon to draw on right of the header text is in iconPixmap
QRect iconRect = iconPixmap.rect();
QRect textRect = rect;
textRect.setWidth(textRect.width() - iconRect.width());
QFont myFont = getFont(); // delivers the font for for the header text
QFontMetrics fontMetrics(myFont);
// determine the elided text which will be printed for the available width
// m_header_padding is the padding of the headerview section
QString elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() - m_header_padding * 2);
// Drawing procedure
// First draw without text over the complete header section size
// this will draw the background and the borders etc. for the complete header section
model() -> setHorizontalHeaderText(index, QString()); // set text in model without emitting datachanged
QHeaderView::paintSection(painter, rect, logicalIndex);
// now draw the (possibly elided) text into the header section
model() -> setHorizontalHeaderText(logicalIndex, elidedText);
QHeaderView::paintSection(painter, textRect, logicalIndex);
// Now restore the header section text in the model
model() -> setHorizontalHeaderText(logicalIndex, text);
// Draw the icon
// center icon vertical
int iconHeight = iconRect.height();
int headerHeight = rect.height();
int offset = 0;
if (iconHeight < headerHeight) {
offset = (headerHeight - iconHeight) / 2;
painter -> setClipRect(rect);
painter -> drawPixmap(textRect.right()-1, + offset, iconRect.width(), iconRect.height(), iconPixmap);
painter -> setClipRect(rect);