insert one row and display tow rows in qtableview, with an additional blank row, that's why?
hello everyone,
yesterday, i wrote a test programe using QTableView. i define class CustomModel inheriting from QAbstractTableModel , which implemented rowCount, columnCount, data and headerData. the CustomModel has a member customs storing the data, its a QList. i also add a button to add one item to the data.
But when i click the button, the view shows tow columns, one is the item i add, the other is a blank row.
i can't solve it, thanks for your help!
binding model
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); model = new CustomModel(this); ui->tableView->setModel(model); connect(ui->actionAddItem, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::onAddCustom); }
when click a button
void MainWindow::onAddCustom() { Custom* new_custom = new Custom(); model->appendCustom(new_custom); }
It is the code inserting one row
bool CustomModel::appendCustom(Custom *custom, const QModelIndex &parent) { beginInsertRows(parent, customs.count(), customs.count()+1); customs.append(custom); endInsertRows(); return true; }
Parameters you pass to beginInsertRows are wrong. They should be left first and right last index positions after your insert is done. For example if you have 0 items and you insert 1 item, in resulting model will have 1 item who's index is 0. In your function you say it is 1. Therefore view think now you insert two rows 0 and 1