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    12 Posts

    @jsulm That crossed my mind also, so I did a full uninstall, then reinstalled from the Qt installer. Didn't change.

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    3 Posts

    Hi and welcome to devnet,

    To add to @jsulm, did you build Qwt yourself ? If so, are you using the same setup as the people who provided the application ?

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    6 Posts

    After doing some research on the source files, since all the tutorials on the internet seem to focus on getting the help working with pre-builds, I found out you have to make the documentation seperatly.

    When you build Qt from sources, the Qt components, the IDE (Qt Creator) and the documentation are separate things, and you need to build each one, here are the links for the wiki for each one:

    Qt base:
    Qt Creator:
    Qt Documentation:

    In short, to get the help working you need to go to qt5 and run make docs:

    cd ~/qt5
    make docs

    This will build everything, that solved the problem

    EDIT: Found the source of the problem, I didn't pay attention in the configure command provided in this guide "":

    ./configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-gtkstyle -confirm-license

    It recommended that because it's faster, but left out the examples and the tests, I should have used it like:

    ./configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake tests -no-gtkstyle -confirm-license

    With that you get everything :)

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    2 Posts

    I'm having a similar problem with the auto installer for Linux 64. The installer gets about half way and then stops with the error message:

    Error during installation process (qt.54.gcc_64):
    File '/qt/5.4/gcc_64/bin/qmake' does not exist or is not an executable binary.

    Checked the files and sure enough qmake is not executable by any user and only read write by root, I tried chmod but can't make the file executable. I don't really understand why its not working I have a working tool-chain and executing the run file as root.

    I haven’t tried building it from source yet, just hoping some one might know what’s happening?