Qt Examples not showing up on Qt Creator 5.6.1 (build from sources)
Hi, I builded Qt 5.6.1 from sources, but the examples are missing when I open Qt Creator, tried locking for them on the sources but don't know where they are.
Also I tried installing qtbase5-examples but still they don't show, searched the internet with no results. Can you point me out in the right direction? Thanks
Have you tied this http://askubuntu.com/questions/450983/ubuntu-14-04-qtcreator-qt5-examples-missingsudo apt-get install qtbase5-examples qtbase5-doc-html
@Ekki said:
Hi, I builded Qt 5.6.1 from sources, but the examples are missing when I open Qt Creator, tried locking for them on the sources but don't know where they are.
Did you specify
-make examples
when callingconfigure
for Qt? AFAIR the examples are not built and installed by default... (I have currently no access to my self built Qt but I think the examples are located in $QTDIR/examples) -
After doing some research on the source files, since all the tutorials on the internet seem to focus on getting the help working with pre-builds, I found out you have to make the documentation seperatly.
When you build Qt from sources, the Qt components, the IDE (Qt Creator) and the documentation are separate things, and you need to build each one, here are the links for the wiki for each one:
Qt base: https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git
Qt Creator: https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_Creator_from_Git
Qt Documentation: http://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_DocumentationIn short, to get the help working you need to go to qt5 and run make docs:
cd ~/qt5
make docsThis will build everything, that solved the problem
EDIT: Found the source of the problem, I didn't pay attention in the configure command provided in this guide "https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git":
./configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-gtkstyle -confirm-license
It recommended that because it's faster, but left out the examples and the tests, I should have used it like:
./configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake tests -no-gtkstyle -confirm-license
With that you get everything :)