[solved] How to track the wiki pages edited by a person?
How do I track the wiki pages I have created or edited. Also can we track any user contributions to the wiki. Also this information can be shown on the User profile page.
If you click on History you can view all users that modified a wiki page, when and what they modified.
[quote author="maurizio.moriconi" date="1274518438"]If you click on History you can view all users that modified a wiki page, when and what they modified.
[/quote]I am aware of that, but thats limited to that single page or article. What if I want to get all the articles I have edited or created in the past month or during some period. How do we get that information?
[quote author="kamalakshan" date="1274551177"]I am aware of that, but thats limited to that single page or article. What if I want to get all the articles I have edited or created in the past month or during some period. How do we get that information?[/quote]
We're working on the wiki interface at the moment (actions and the sidebar content) so I'll see if we can fit this feature request in there. Thanks!
[quote author="QtK" date="1274513109"]How do I track the wiki pages I have created or edited. Also can we track any user contributions to the wiki. Also this information can be shown on the User profile page.[/quote]
On your profile page you now have a section with links to the wiki pages you have edited, released today :)