Qt Mobility in QtSDK
Hello everyone,
I am trying to play with the APIs of QtMobility, but i am having compiling errors. I am including the following headers:
#include <qmessageservice>
#include <qmessage>
#include <qmessageaddress>
#include <qmessageManager>
@Then, i am adding the macro QTM_USE_NAMESPACE, then in the main code i am doing something like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);QMessageService* serviceAction = new QMessageServiceAction();
But i am having the following errors:
C:\Users\JTorres\Documents\QtProjects\QML\QtMobilityExamples\main.cpp:14: error: expected type-specifier before 'QMessageServiceAction'
C:\Users\JTorres\Documents\QtProjects\QML\QtMobilityExamples\main.cpp:14: error: cannot convert 'int*' to 'QtMobility::QMessageService*' in initialization
C:\Users\JTorres\Documents\QtProjects\QML\QtMobilityExamples\main.cpp:14: error: expected ',' or ';' before 'QMessageServiceAction'In the .pro file i am adding "mobility":
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += messaging
@Anyone knows what i am doing wrong?, it is like the compiler is not finding the right headers.
Thanks in advance!
[quote author="Chuck.Gao" date="1309483595"]How about the code in Line 14 ?[/quote]
This is the complete code in main that i wrote just for testing:
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <qmessageservice>
#include <qmessage>
#include <qmessageaddress>
#include <qmessageManager>
#include "qmlapplicationviewer.h"QTM_USE_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);QMessageService* serviceAction = new QMessageServiceAction(); QmlApplicationViewer viewer; viewer.setOrientation(QmlApplicationViewer::ScreenOrientationAuto); viewer.setMainQmlFile(QLatin1String("qml/QtMobilityExamples/main.qml")); viewer.showExpanded(); return app.exec(); delete serviceAction;
@ -
[quote author="Chuck.Gao" date="1309485224"]I'm sorry, but what's the QMessageServiceAction ? It seems that's the problem.[/quote]
You`re absolutely right!!!!, i was changing the code "QMessageServiceAction" to "QMessageService", but i couldn't see that i forgot to change one of them, so sorry, my misstake...
[quote author="Chuck.Gao" date="1309485283"]I can't find the Class introduction in Qt document. So, where you find the code ?[/quote]
I have found it in a book called "Qt for Symbian", maybe in Qt Mobility 1.0 that class exists....
By the way, is it normal that the headers appear "underlined" like if it doesn't exist:
[quote author="Chuck.Gao" date="1309487447"]I think them should be
#include <qmessageservice.h>
#include <qmessage.h>
#include <qmessageaddress.h>
#include <qmessageManager.h>
@[/quote]either that or
#include <QMessageService>
#include <QMessage>
#include <QMessageAddress>
#include <QMessageManager>
Also as long as the compiler doesn't give you a header not found warning, it may be ok that it's underlined in Qt Creator (the include path is set through qmake and I don't know if Qt Creator parses that properly-there are two different parser implementation and qmake's is larger). -
Chunk.Gao is the same behaviour:
[quote author="loladiro" date="1309515767"]either that or
#include <QMessageService>
#include <QMessage>
#include <QMessageAddress>
#include <QMessageManager>
Also as long as the compiler doesn't give you a header not found warning, it may be ok that it's underlined in Qt Creator (the include path is set through qmake and I don't know if Qt Creator parses that properly-there are two different parser implementation and qmake's is larger).
[/quote]It still underline in Qt Creator:
The compiler doesn't give me any warning about those headers, i mean it compiles fine...but the Qt Classes that are inside that headers, won't be highlighted in the code editor and i can't use the autocompletion method because the Qt Creator parser doesn't find those headers...