Bug free programming with Qt:
Yes, it's a big help, I've read the gitorious version, and I will the trolltech too later.
I'm teaching simple C at the University for newbies in this year (I'm an electrical engineer student) and it's very important and quite hard sometimes to teach them how to correctly indentation and style their code. But I'm getting much nicer codes now from them :) So it's worth to tell it a hundred times :)
Let's forget the "bug free" and rather talk about "robust" programming instead
- So, good coding style and conventions contribute to "robust" programming. And we have several links.
Other possible Qt's contributors to "robust" programming may be:
- signals & slots : for strong independency of components (+ impossible to crash even if bad coded ?)
- Implicit sharing and associated objects with reference counting
- Thread safe objects
Anything else ?
What do you mean with "memory management things" ? The shared classes ?
In the first post, i wrote: "You create an orphan widget, you attach it later to a parent widget. The parent takes ownership and you don’t need to worry anymore about the child life cycle"
I like this idea : you transfer the management of an object to an object owner. And you don't have to manage it yourself .
Do you know if this is a concept, a design pattern or anything which has a name?
Do you know if this coding way is described somewhere? -
So simple? Well, I feel a bit ridiculous...
OK, I guess a widget has a container of children widgets which are destroyed by the parent destructor.
However, it must be a little bit more tricky because the ownership can be transfered to another parent widget.