[Moved] connecting the application with newwork coverage
[quote author="naveennadhv" date="1293194651"]how can we include the network status to the program , coverage, location id ,etc......[/quote]
Is this question related to Mobile devices or you want to have this done in a Desktop Application.
ta, ina mobile aaplication, perticularly for a nokia handset...
[quote author="naveennadhv" date="1293205266"]ta, ina mobile aaplication, perticularly for a nokia handset... [/quote]
Check the Qt Mobility Location API.
Also you have posted it in Desktop forum, please use Mobile and Embedded forum.
P.S. reviewing your post before posting for typo's. Will help others read and understand properly.
ok, thanx for your support, i'll do so
one more thing, where i can find,"Qt Mobility Location API." -
[quote author="naveennadhv" date="1293206048"]ok, thanx for your support, i'll do so
one more thing, where i can find,"Qt Mobility Location API."[/quote]Look for Qt Mobility and you would find the answers.
Have you asked the same/similar question several times (eg. "this":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2795/ thread)?
Yes it seems to be similar, please try to avoid duplicate posts as much as possible.