A template repository for Qt/QML apps
When I create a new Qt project, I usually waste a lot of time writing code for C++/QML initialization, configuring the logger, updater, application appearance, deployment files, etc.
So I decided to make a template repository at GitHub for my future projects, it features:
- Code for displaying a QtQuick ApplicationWindow.
- Automated builds & artifact upload for Windows, macOS & GNU/Linux.
- GitHub issue templates.
- Code of conduct file.
- Translation template files & code.
- Deploy configurations for Windows, macOS & GNU/Linux.
- NSIS installer for Windows.
- Save window size, position & maximize status automatically.
- Load UI.qml asynchronously (to keep main.qml small).
- Integration with QSimpleUpdater & CuteLogger.
- clang-format integration.
- .gitignore file for Qt projects
If you need to use OpenSSL for your projects, you will need to add it yourself (or make a pull-request, because I want to automate this and I still haven't done that).
If you are interested in the repository (or checking it & fix some probable mistakes that I made), you can check it at: https://github.com/alex-spataru/QtApp-Template
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