POS: PAX S920 + Qt
@nyckmaia said in POS: PAX S920 + Qt:
I would like to know if is possible to use some version of Qt to create the UI for the POS PAX S920.
Does the device support custom UIs at all?
@nyckmaia said in POS: PAX S920 + Qt:
I can't build a stripped down version of Qt
You can build a stripped down version of Qt open source if you wish. Take a look at qtlite.com to get configuration options for "features that can be removed in build time with -no-feature-name options for configure scirpt. [sic] It helps to reduce total size of binaries."
As @JKSH asked, you may want to double check if the device actually provides UI capabilities. In addition, as @SGaist mentioned you also may want to double check that you have a toolchain (compiler, etc.) for such ARM platform.
In any case, and given the constrained nature of your device, you may also want to consider LGVL, an open-source graphics library to create embedded GUIs
@nyckmaia said in POS: PAX S920 + Qt:
I don't know...
What I know is that this PAX S920 have
.It helps?
That's not enough information, sorry.
Before you can create a custom UI, the device needs to have a software stack or an SDK (Software Development Kit) like @SGaist said. These are needed for the UI to interact with the keypad, magnetic strip reader, etc.
Please contact the manufacturer and ask if they provide an SDK.
Thank you guys: @SGaist @JKSH @Pablo-J-Rogina
So, I have the PAX S920 SDK and ARM11 compiler...it compiles and works good.
By default, the SDK examples uses a GUI library called
Prolin XUI Interface
Here is a PDF manual of this UI library: https://usermanual.wiki/Document/XUI20Programming20Guide207.224573097/htmlThe default SDK is a old custom Eclipse IDE called:
Prolin SDK 2.8.18
It is used to create aPAX C Project
(that works with C and C++)
The default SDK compiler is aarm-g++ 4.8
(that supports almost allC++11
features). I will try to replace it soon by a newer g++ version.With this default SDK tools I can build and embed my app inside the
and get all working well:- GUI
- Touch
- Keypad
But I would like to replace the
XUI Interface
by a Qt UI (like Qt Quick, or QML).How can I do that?
With these new infos above, do you think that will be possible? Will be compatible? The touch will work?
Thank you again,
@nyckmaia said in POS: PAX S920 + Qt:
With these new infos above, do you think that will be possible?
Since they have an SDK that uses g++, then it might be possible.
Will be compatible? The touch will work?
It might be possible, but the only way to know for sure is to try it.
I would like to replace the
XUI Interface
by a Qt UI (like Qt Quick, or QML).How can I do that?
There will be many steps involved. The first step is to download Qt source code and try to use the SDK to compile the Qt libraries: https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.12/5.12.10/single/qt-everywhere-src-5.12.10.tar.xz (I linked to Qt 5.12 because the latest version no longer supports GCC 4.8)
I don't have experience with configuring the Qt source code to work on an embedded system's framebuffer though, so I'll let someone else answer questions on that topic.
Does the device run embedded Linux?
@fem_dev said in POS: PAX S920 + Qt:
Does anyone know more about the UI + touch using Qt inside the PAX S920?
Likely not, that's not the kind of device that are used everyday for development.
You should context the device manufacturer to have more details about it.
Kernel versions
Touchscreen handling (tslib, evdev, etc.) -
That's a pretty old kernel...