Basic QQmlApplicationEngine in PySide6
@eyllanesc Thanks for the quick response, however this doesn't seem to work either. I also tested my original qml on PySide2 and it also doesn't work. I think I'm missing something more fundamental about how to load qml with qqmlapplicationengine.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Might be a silly question but are you sure about your QML file path ?
The QUrl I am passing looks like this:PySide6.QtCore.QUrl('file:///C:/Users/alan/PycharmProjects/sozu-tmt/sozu/main.qml')
The URI scheme with a Windows path name looks correct to me. I'm looking at trying to pass this in as a qresource in python which should move path lookup concerns to the point that resources are built.
@eyllanesc Ok, that's good to know. I changed toolbar and statusbar to header and footer, and I've left out the minimum width and height for now. I haven't seen any docs about dropping the version from the import; the docs you linked have versioned imports as well. Could you provide a bit more clarity on this one?
@eyllanesc I made changes to the properties that I am using, as noted in the other thread. I haven't seen any doc that removes versions from the import line. After reviewing the documentation you linked, this is what I have.
I haven't gotten an actual error message about the qml load, it just doesn't get loaded. Not sure if that is because of bad qml or a qml path issue although I'm pursuing both as possible issues.
Thank you for your time and assistance!
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 ApplicationWindow { id: root visible: true title: qsTr("MyTitle") menuBar: MenuBar {} header: ToolBar {} footer: TabBar {} StackView { anchors.fill: parent } }
@sunkeita 1) You have not received any error message because as soon as your qml is launched, the interpreter cannot understand it so no rootObjects is built and therefore
is executed, 2) I recommend you check the blog of Qt since there they point out the new modifications that come with Qt6 that are not yet documented, unfortunately, at this moment I cannot find the link but when I find it I will give it to you but you can read this: 3) If you want to get the warnings then use qmlscene:qmlscene.exe main.qml
@sunkeita See in seccion QML:
- The QML import and versioning system has been overhauled:
- Version numbers are optional in the QML language. An import without any version number imports the latest version of the module. An import with only a major version number imports the module with specified major version and the latest minor version.
- QML supports "auto" imports: Instead of specifying a version number, one can write import <module> auto. In that case the imported module is imported in the same version as the importing module.
- The QML import and versioning system has been overhauled:
@eyllanesc Thanks so much! On a lark I decided to try running this on my linux machine, and it worked just fine. I will try using qmlscene on my windows machine to find the errors there. I opened this thread to ensure that I was using QQmlApplicationEngine correctly, this issue is resolved.
Thanks again :)