How to make QToolTip::showText anchor from bottom left?
Searching back parents is a bad sign. You should rather send the tooltip content using signal and slots and let the widget you want to show the tooltip on handle the position.
This :
QPoint pos = this->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->
Is just a disaster waiting to happen and cannot be recommended.What is more fun to do is to make a small custom widget and use signals and slots.
So in MainWindow we add a new signalsignals: void ShowToolTipYellow(QString text); and we can then use it like void MainWindow::on_pushButton_released() { emit ShowToolTipYellow("HELLO"); } we also need to connect the new signal to your custom widget which we often do in MainWins constructor ui->setupUi(this); ... connect(this, &MainWindow::ShowToolTipYellow, ui->yellow, &YellowToolTipBox::ShowToolTip );
Then to the custom object
#ifndef YELLOWTOOLTIPBOX_H #define YELLOWTOOLTIPBOX_H #include <QWidget> #include <QPainter> #include <qtooltip.h> class YellowToolTipBox : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit YellowToolTipBox(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent) {} public slots: void ShowToolTip(QString Text) { QPoint pos = mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)); QToolTip::showText(pos, Text); } protected: // not really needed but was instead of stylesheet virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override { QPainter p(this); p.setBrush(Qt::yellow); p.drawRect(0,0, width()-1, height()-1); } }; #endif // YELLOWTOOLTIPBOX_H
Then to use our custom widget, we use the promote feature of Creator
We just tell it the name of the class (YellowToolTipBox) and which .h file it lives in
Then Press Add, then press Promote.Then when we run
test project: advantages is reusability and resilient to change.
Even if you add or remove "parents" , it still works
Where as the old code
would either crash or simply dont work as expected. -
@mrjj appreciate for your reply. maybe I didn't describe what I want clearly. see this picture.
Standard tooltip looks fine for me, I just want to make anchor point the QToolTip always at the "red" dot. nothing else, just this. so I was asking how to make the anchor from bottom left.
Please let me know if you have idea can help me. -
well if you place a YellowToolTipBox there then it would come there.
But normally a tooltip comes at the widget that shows it so it's unclear if you means just
for Button Dock WIdget or for all tooltips. -
@mrjj no, I only want to set the bottom left point of QToolTip at the red dot, not using bottom dock wdiegt, bottom dock widget is not used for tool tip. and my QToolTip is used to display information of objects on the canvas. not widget's tooltip.
Ok that way.
well you could put YellowToolTipBox and it will work.
If you put setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) on it
and removed its paintEvent if would be transparent and you can paint through it
if that is needed. -
@mrjj mapToGlobal can get the global position and pass it to QToolTips::showText(pos, info), but looks this will make the QToolTip's upper left point to the given pos, right? what I want is make the lower left point of QToolTips always at the red point. I am not sure you get my point.
Im not 100% sure how you want to align it but tooltip it self also add some offset as seen with Yellow as its at 0,0 but is show a little down and to the left.
But yes the tooltip is shown with the point given as base. and then add some offset itself.