Maintenance tool error: "Cannot open file "" for writing: No error"
did you run the tool as normal user or as administrator?
If you have run it as admin before, you will probably need to do so again.
Also, ave you checked there is enough free space on your drives?
I tried running as admin but the same message keeps popping.
I do have plenty of space (more than 100GB free) and I don't have any antivirus software installed.
I am trying to run some debug tools like process monitor to see if I can figure it out without reinstalling everything.
Right, so now I can say for sure that there is something wrong with the installer.
I just tried the installer in a brand new machine and I get the same message:
Right after it finishes downloading the repositories.
Now I am pretty sure it is not just my machine anymore.
Hmm just installed Qt 5.14.1 using the online installer qt-unified-windows-x86-3.2.1-2-online.exe on a Windows 10 PC:
(I selected only MSVC2017 64-bit and answered No for participating in the telemetry/statistics.)Maybe it's something with different versions of Windows 10? I have version 19.03 10.0.18362.657 (the version numbers can be seen on the 1st line when you open a CMD window).
Your 2 Windows 10 PCs that go south, are they running the same version of Windows 10?
Really appreciate the help.
Is that the online installer? Using the online installer I can't even get to the page to select which Qt version to install.
So one Windows is exactly the same as yours, 19.03 10.0.18362.657
The other one is 19.09
So, you can see exactly what is happening in this small recording I just did:
Ok, I can see that the downloading starts with the "Preparing meta information download" but then it dies the same way as the offline installer.
I traced on my Windows 10, it seems that the TEMP and TMP settings are immaterial, the Maintenance Tool always uses C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp, where Procmon.exe on your PC said "Name collision".
I run Procmon.exe on my Windows 10, after it connects to and downloads the first chunks, it tries to open a temp file to store them in, this is the line on my Procmon (I skipped the leftmost bit of the line for brevity):
... CreateFile C:\Users\Henry\AppData\Local\Temp\qt-unified-windows-x86-3.FNfLTQ SUCCESS Desired Access: Generic Read/Write, Disposition: Create, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: 0, OpenResult: Created
but I'm guessing if you do the same Procmon trace it will with "Name collision", i.e. this is where you Maintenance Tool takes a dive.
Perhaps your C:\Users\tluis\AppData\LOcal\Temp directory has some problem, what happens if you try to create a file in it, for example:
copy con C:\Users\tluis\AppData\LOcal\Temp\test.txt A line of text ^Z 1 file(s) copied.