'Platform SDK installed' red X Adding Android SDK Tools in Qt Creator
Hi all,
I met such problem and I could summarise how to fix it.
Symtom:- "platform sdk not installed" in Manage Kits->Device.
- can't select Android build SDK in Active Project Build Setting for arm target.
- Install java8 and point the JDK location to it instead of java9 or java10
- as @Winning points out the link:
There are issues with the updated Android SDK which makes it impossible to use it together with earlier versions of Qt for Android. This has been fixed in Qt 5.9.0, but for older versions, it is possible to use the following links to download a working version of the SDK (do not update the SDK after downloading): macOS Windows and Linux.
Download tools_r25.2.5 and replace your SDK tools. Although my Qt is 5.12.0, this replacement is still required so the fix seems not in Qt 5.9.0 or later.
Now all works well :)
Dear All,
I was facing the same issue and I resolved by changing JDK,NDK and SDK. I have tried with JDK 12, NDK r19c and SDK 26.
JDK 12 had version issues, NDK r19c had toolchain issues and SDK 26 had platform SDK issues.Finally, i fixed the environment by using below configuration:
JDK 8, NDK r18b, SDK 25.2.5.I am using kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (Clang Qt 5.12.2 for Android ARMv7).
@ajee I followed the step as you mentioned "Download tools_r25.2.5 and replace your SDK tools." It worked. Thank you.
Please overwrite all files while copying into tools folder. Don't skip files.
@abanksdev Please mark the topic resolved.
I had this exact problem on ubuntu 19.04 using QtCreator 4.8.2, Qt5.12.1 and setting the JDK path to an openjdk-12 directory that I downloaded and extracted to amy own directory. I tried setting the path to openjdk-11 which is installed already on my machine already in the default location on ubuntu (/usr/lib/jvm/java-xx-openjdk-xxx), and when the problem persisted, following the advice here, I installed openjdk-8 via apt package manager, it was installed to the dafault localtion (/usr/lib/jvm/java-xx-openjdk-xxx) and now the it has stopped complaining (regarding the platform SDK installed error). Thanks guys for the help, before finding this page I was messing around with SDK installations for ages as it is not at all obvious that the JDK is at fault here.
To summarise for quick viewing:
- trying to use openjdk 11 (and 12?) also causes this error
- openjdk12 was not installed in the default ubuntu location when I tried it, and a default install openjdk 11 was present, so it's possible jdk12 might actually work of 11 wasn't present
- using openjdk 8 fixed the issue as others have found
Would an update to https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/android-getting-started.html stating that you must use openjdk-8 be appropriate? Or is the issue more complicated than a "one size fits all" approach? And is it possible for non Qt staff to submit updates to the docs for approval? I'll happily do it myself if so
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Hm, it's kinda weird, but I made android apk.
So what I've done:
I founded that I use build-tools ver. 29.0.0 but should use 28.0.3
I didn't realize how to downgrade it so I just replace one file (aidl.exe) from 28.0.3 to 29.0.0 and it works.
Now I able to build android apk.
If someone need I could share my Qt android pacl -
I had to uninstall jdk12 and install 8 for it to work. Is QT not compatible with 12? If not, there should be an indication of this when installing--that is indicate which versions of Java it is compatible with.
I solved this problem by installing on QT5.13 earlier versions of NDK 20, from version 10e to 19c, this error no longer appeared. -
@abanksdev thanks! For me it also works only with openjdk 1.8 (Java 8). I have openSUSE, Qt Creator 4.10, Qt 5.13.1.
@meisterpeeps seems Android Studio does not work well with jdk 12 as well:
crashes. -
Configuring QT 5.13 with Platform SDK installed error . I also have Android Studio 3.5 installed . Go to the settings of the Studio paths and copy them, JDK Android Studio puts its own, enter everything as it is in QT. The error disappears, QT starts to see all Studio and AVD tools. In the folder .android\ "empty" repositories.cfg " file. For successful compilation , in qmake add QMAKE_LINK + = - nostdlib++
Yesterday i faced the same issue. The only thing i did is that i downloaded "Java SE Development Kit 8 - jdk1.8.0_241" then both the errors regarding the Platform SDK and SDK manager worked properly.
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I hit this problem yesterday on Qt Creator 4.11.1. I finally did what @ajee did, but slightly different. I went to the qt-creator github and found this file:
https://github.com/qt-creator/qt-creator/blob/master/share/qtcreator/android/sdk_definitions.json. In it, you can find[...] "sdk_tools_url": { "linux": "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip",
I downloaded that zip file and copied over the tools dir like @ajee. I can't find that file in release 4.1.1 https://github.com/qt-creator/qt-creator/tree/v4.11.1/ . Presumably, for future releases, that file may give you a clue as to which SDK tools you're supposed to download for your release of qt creator.
P.S. What a pain.
@Ross +1 for the @ajee solution.
I have been trying with Ubuntu 18.04 + OpenJDK 8 + Android Studio 3.6.3 + Qt Creator 4.11.2 / Qt 5.14.2 all downloaded and installed today, and could never get rid of the SDK tools or Platform SDK red Xs in Creator's Devices/Android form until adding the tools folder from your link - I placed it in my ~/Android/Sdk folder, next to the cmdline-tools and platform-tools folders, there was no tools folder there before, no matter what I tried to get Android Studio or sdkmanager to install.
As soon as Qt Creator noticed the tools folder, now AVD manager and SDK manager tabs at the bottom of the Devices page are accessible. Here's hoping the rest of the porting process goes smoother.
hello @abanksdev @SGaist
I'm getting a problem with " Platform-tools installed" Could you please tell me how to solve that. -
@Where_is_nitish hi and welcome to devnet,
Please open your own thread with all the details you can give about your current situation.