Qt 5.13 brokes development
@Gourmet You wrote: "I selected all previously used settings - Android NDK r12b, GCC compiler and all previously used parts". That means you selected GCC as compiler to use with Qt 5.13?
Not making backups is your own fault, not one of Qt developers.
I can understand that such problems are frustrating, but your attitude is not helpful at all...
I removed Qt 5.13.0 completely from workstation, then removed Qt 5.9.6 and then installed it again. But QtCreator 4.6.2 started with it's previous settings - that means it keeps them in other folder instead of installation. I tried build application for Android - all my shared libraries were build successfully. But then process stopped with message
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. 17:41:36: The process "/opt/android-ndk-r12b/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/make" exited with code 2. Error while building/deploying project Application (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.9.6 for Android armv7)) When executing step "Copy application data"
This is the same as when I started this thread. How to completely clean system after Qt removal? It must do not have any Qt footprints before I will first start newly installed. I have no other ideas what other I can do.
Do you have also NDK r10e on your machine?
If yes, give it a try. The documentation says that one shall use NDK r10e before Qt 5.12. That reflects my experience. Presumably there was an updating issue of makefiles and you might think that you have used NDK r12b, but you were not.
I had a similar issue but on windows. The ndk was not what I intended to have.Otherwise I suggest to update to Qt 5.12 and one of the newest NDKs available. That should work in your case. Starting Qt5.12 the compiler changed which explains the requirement for different NDKs.
My application may be compiled for Qt5.11 with NDK r10e or Qt5.12 with a newer version. The only nuisances are the recompilation and the change of the NDK is a bit awkward.
@koahnig said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
Do you have also NDK r10e on your machine?
No, never had and will not. I have only NDK r12b on my Linux workstation (I already removed r19c). Please do not waste my time more with this. I used NDK r12b for application development through entire last year. And it worked perfectly. At past fall I created and published all my apps with it. Week ago I built and debugged my new app with it. Now the problem relates NOT to NDK version. It appeared after Qt 5.13 installation and does NOT relate to NDK version. The problem is with Qt itself. Attempt to use other NDK will be just time loose action.
Next time if you do not know answer to my question - do not write anything about NDK. Now I need clean workstation from Qt installation completely and reinstall all as I did year ago.
For others who knows well Linux development with modern Qt versions - is that enough to remove folders ~/.config/QtProject and ~/.local/share/data/QtProject/qtcreator and files related to Nokia, Trolltech in folder .config and .local/applications?
Are there any other Qt footprints in the Linux file system (excluding installation ~/Qt path)?
Phew... Finally I cleaned up workstation from all Qt footprints, installed 5.9.6 from scratch, tuned it for NDK r12b and it now works again. At least my new app builds, installs and runs on test smartphone.
But I will not mark this thread as SOLVED - I will do this only after newest Qt 5.1?.x will work for me.
To not start new thread I will ask here - Does Qt 5.12.x exactly work with QtCreator 4.6.2 for Android? This question is asked to those who really used it and created apps. Which one NDK should be used? How tune QtCreator for clang toolchain in Linux? QtCreator 4.6.2 doesn't catch it automatically.
I didn't use such an old version of qt creator with Qt 5.12.x, and honestly don't see a reason why anyone should. As the versions go up, it should be normal to update what you use, to technologically not fall behind.Now for what I am sure of:
ForQt 5.12.4
you needNDK 19c
To get clang support, all you need to do is update to Qt creator4.9.x
( I'm using 4.9.1 and it works without issues), If you must use 4.6.2, I can't help you there.
The full setup:
open JDK 1.8.1u212
NDK 19c
SDK 28
( even tho Qt creator says 26.1.1 under Device>Android info)
Qt creator 4.9.1
Qt 5.12.4 armv7 and arm64
With this you shouldn't have any issues to build for android, both 32 and 64 bit, at least the part that's up to Qt. Regarding code difference from 5.9.x and 5.12.x I can't say for sure, depends what you used, but updating parts of it is inevitable. -
@Wiru said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
I didn't use such an old version of qt creator with Qt 5.12.x, and honestly don't see a reason why anyone should.Reason is simple - QtCreator 4.9.x does not work on Linux Kubuntu 14.04 which I use for development. That was confirmed to me by Qt team member. I do not have time for upgrade entire system - for me it is absolutely enough apply fixes and patches. I will able for upgrade only at fall. And this will eat my time for vacations.
@Gourmet That's another issue. You are using an OS version that's 5 years old.
Honestly I don't understand what you expected. The quickest way would be to just leave your current pc/laptop as is and set up all new versions on a different one, if it works cool, if not fallback to old one till you have more time to bother with stuff that should have been done before. -
@Wiru Kubuntu 14.04 is LTS. That means it must be supported during 5 years from publishing. Another issue is - Qt Company did not warn me about OS ending support period. I just forget about it... Quickest way is - set one more HDD to same computer, install Kubuntu 19.04 and add it to GRUB multiboot table. But this is not a quick way... It requires installation of many other needed programs, not only Qt.
@Gourmet said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
Qt Company did not warn me about OS ending support
"That means it must be supported during 5 years from publishing" - we are already past 5 years. Also, it's Canonical who promises 5 years support, not Qt Company. -
@Gourmet said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
set one more HDD to same computer, install Kubuntu 19.04 and add it to GRUB multiboot table.
Virtual machines make life much easier than this. VMWare Player and VirtualBox are free. No need to add a HDD (unless you have no more space), and no need to change GRUB.
It requires installation of many other needed programs, not only Qt.
Which other programs?
@jsulm said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
Also, it's Canonical who promises 5 years support, not Qt Company.
It is common practise - when head company supports OS then all other companies support it too. When head company stops - all other warn users about stop too.
@JKSH said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
Which other programs?
Graphical editors, 3D animation software, sound processing software and so on. I am self employed developer therefore I do all tasks by my own - draw and process still images, render animations, compose and edit videos, make needed sounds. I write documentation in different formats and languages.
@Gourmet said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
It is common practise - when head company supports OS then all other companies support it too.
Qt 5.13.0 was released more than 5 years after Ubuntu 14.04.
When head company stops - all other warn users about stop too.
See the link that @jsulm gave you: https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-os-supported-platforms.html
See also https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/supported-platforms.html
Graphical editors, 3D animation software, sound processing software and so on. I am self employed developer therefore I do all tasks by my own - draw and process still images, render animations, compose and edit videos, make needed sounds. I write documentation in different formats and languages.
You can keep using those software on your Kubuntu 14.04 host PC for now, and just do your compilation and deployment in a newer Virtual Machine. Use a Shared Folder to easily share files between the two machines.
@JKSH as I see in supported platforms for Android I can use RHEL 7.x (x86_64), macOS 10.13, Windows 7 (x86_64). No (K)Ubuntu???????!!!!! What the??? Most popular desktop Linux cannot be used for development???? I work with Debian branch since 1996. Now I should install and get be in other distribution and file system structure. This looks like a HUGE MISTAKE! Debian brahch MUST be supported.
The page listing the supported platform for Qt 5.13.0 shows:
openSUSE 15.x x86_64 GCC 7, ICC
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x x86_64 GCC 5.3.1 devtoolset-4
Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64 GCC as provided by Canonical, GCC 7.3.0
Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64 GCC as provided by Canonical, GCC 5.4.0
Generic Linux x86 and x86_64 GCC 4.8, GCC 4.9, GCC 5, GCC 6, GCC 7for the Linux flavors
@Gourmet said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
No (K)Ubuntu???????!!!!! What the??? Most popular desktop Linux cannot be used for development????
Show where KUbuntu is the most popular? Ubuntu yes, KUbuntu no.
While it's true that Ubuntu 14.04 has LTS for the OS. I don;t think you can rely on that to mean that versions of third-party products, like Qt, are supported for versions released after that OS. Only for the version of Qt which was released with Ubuntu 14.04, whatever that was.
@JonB said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
Show where KUbuntu is the most popular? Ubuntu yes, KUbuntu no.
(K)Ubuntu means Ubuntu+Kubuntu. As development platform they have no significant difference.
@JonB said in Qt 5.13 brokes development:
Only for the version of Qt which was released with Ubuntu 14.04, whatever that was.
This doesn't matter. Even Ubuntu 19.04 is not in the recommended list for Android Qt5 development. This is miserable.