Adding Flash to the Camera example
I am using Qt creator 4.8.2, on Debian buster.
I want to add flash to the existing camera example. Is there any method to add it ? If there is, how to do it ?
When you say that you want to add flash .... what are you referring to??
Do you want to make screen flashing?? (screen going completely white)
Do you have an external flash device that you want to control??
How is this flash connected?? what protocol does it use? is a device based on a microcontroller that you have access to reprogram??
I have camera with flash. So i would like to turn on the flash while capturing an image or recording a video.
It is i2c based
I found "QCameraExposure::FlashOn 0x4 Flash is On." in the docs but how do you use it?
How to add it to the Qt camera example is my question. -
what camera you have (make and model)
you have to know the flash_on bit and to turn it on via i2c
you will need an i2c lib that is able to access the camera -via - how do you connect the camera to your device??
give more detail about the hardware that you are using and about your OS -
@tech.hi said in Adding Flash to the Camera example:
How to add it to the Qt camera example is my question.
Use to get the exposure object and set that flag on it