Too much query executed with QSqlQuery cause fatal signal if executed in different thread
To be sure to understand you correctly, you are trying to execute 33000 queries on an Android phone ? What kind of device is that ?
Yes it is right....I tried on Samsung S6 and Samsung j6. But I already execute with success all the queries in the past, but now I can't find what wrong...if depend by an update of android sdk or ndk or I made a mistake in some place (the code is so simple that I exclude that).
So I ask for help to you because may be some errors that I can't see. -
....and FINALLY I FOUND THE SOLUTIONS that wasn't in this part of code (this is correct)...
I use reference & to a global variable in the base app and assign it to a pointer * = &var.. When declare as pointer also the global variable all works good.
Thanks too much all people help me, but the problem was not here. I'm sorry to busy your time...
Thanks again. -
Glad you found out !
Global variable ?
They should be avoided as much as possible. What is it and what are you doing with it ?
The strange thing is that I don't use these variables in the new thread but I use only the QStringList passed.
But the error happen only in the new thread during the import otherwise the app seam to work right.
I don't know why.
To develop the app I use qml and I use "qmlRegisterType()" to use c++ object. -
If you really need that kind of global object (which you likely don't), then you should rather implement them as singletons with proper access protection.