QT widget based UI rendering slow on qt5 when ported from qt4
IIRC, DirectFB provided some hardware acceleration depending on the graphic chip you have at your disposal but don't expect NVIDIA Titan X acceleration performances.
@SGaist I am still struggling with this topic, is there any possibility of adding software acceleration for qwidgets ? I'm just wondering what made it render faster on qt 4.8.1? even when we use qt4.8.7 it seems slow like qt5.
For qt4.8.1 and 4.8.7 my compile configurations are similar.
If you are seeing a slowdown between Qt 4.8.1 and Qt 4.8.7, you should compare the code of both backend to see what's going on.
What software acceleration do you have in mind ?
You can use mesa for software based OpenGL rendering (don't expect hight performance).
SVG is not a screen rendering backend.
IIRC DirectFB should be faster than plain LinuxFB.
You have the complete list of backend available here.