Signals and slots or whatever
@jrod2much said in Signals and slots or whatever:
how would the connect look like
I'm pretty sure that I declared it correctly but I am getting back:
119:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'cModule'
and now I'm getting back:
mainwindow.cpp:123: error: no matching function for call to 'MainWindow::connect(CccModule*&, void (CccModule::*)(int, uint32_t), MainWindow* const, MainWindow::MainWindow(int, char**, QWidget*)::__lambda0)' }); ^ mainwindow.cpp:123: error: template argument for 'template<class Func1, class Func2> static QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func>::Object*, Func1, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::Object*, Func2, Qt::ConnectionType)' uses local type 'MainWindow::MainWindow(int, char**, QWidget*)::__lambda0' }); ^ mainwindow.cpp:123: error: template argument for 'template<class Func1, class Func2> static typename QtPrivate::QEnableIf<(((int)(QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::ArgumentCount) >= 0) && (! QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::IsPointerToMemberFunction)), QMetaObject::Connection>::Type QObject::connect(const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func>::Object*, Func1, const QObject*, Func2, Qt::ConnectionType)' uses local type 'MainWindow::MainWindow(int, char**, QWidget*)::__lambda0' }); ^ mainwindow.cpp:123: error: template argument for 'template<class Func1, class Func2> static typename QtPrivate::QEnableIf<(QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func2>::ArgumentCount == (-1)), QMetaObject::Connection>::Type QObject::connect(const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer<Func>::Object*, Func1, const QObject*, Func2, Qt::ConnectionType)' uses local type 'MainWindow::MainWindow(int, char**, QWidget*)::__lambda0' }); ^
@jrod2much said in Signals and slots or whatever:
use of undeclared identifier 'cModule'
yes, that's just a name I used, you have to change it to the one of your instance of
@jrod2much said in Signals and slots or whatever:
and now I'm getting back:
mainwindow.cpp:123: error: no matching function for call to 'MainWindow::connect(CccModule*&, void (CccModule::)(int, uint32_t), MainWindow const[edit, it was just bad formatting by the forum]MainWindow const
? how are you passing the 3rd argument?You are calling the connect from a
method. That's a problem as a connection alters the objects -
I really apologize for having to ask these kinds of questions, but, how do I check what "my instance of CccModule" are. I added this in above the connect and in the header of CccModule.cpp in public:
CccModule* cModule;
Also, I don't know how to fix the const issue.
No, I do not use CccModule anywhere else in the Mainwindow.
I put the connect in the Mainwindow.cpp
MainWindow::MainWindow(int argc, char *argv[], QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), m_ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(PIXYMON_COMPANY); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(PIXYMON_TITLE); qRegisterMetaType<Device>("Device"); m_ui->setupUi(this); setWindowTitle(PIXYMON_TITLE); m_interpreter = NULL; m_flash = NULL; m_pixyConnected = false; m_pixyDFUConnected = false; m_configDialog = NULL; m_fwInstructions = NULL; m_fwMessage = NULL; m_versionIncompatibility = false; m_testCycle = false; m_waiting = WAIT_NONE; parseCommandline(argc, argv); m_settings = new QSettings(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, PIXYMON_COMPANY, PIXYMON_TITLE); m_console = new ConsoleWidget(this); m_video = new VideoWidget(this); m_ui->imageLayout->addWidget(m_video); m_ui->imageLayout->addWidget(m_console); // hide console m_showConsole = m_testCycle; m_console->setVisible(m_testCycle); m_ui->actionConsole->setChecked(m_testCycle); m_ui->toolBar->addAction(m_ui->actionPlay_Pause); m_ui->actionDefault_program->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/icons/home.png")); m_ui->toolBar->addAction(m_ui->actionDefault_program); m_ui->actionRaw_video->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/icons/raw.png")); m_ui->toolBar->addAction(m_ui->actionRaw_video); m_ui->actionConfigure->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/icons/config.png")); m_ui->toolBar->addAction(m_ui->actionConfigure); m_ui->menuProgram->setToolTipsVisible(true); m_status = new QLabel; // give the status a little of a left margin m_ui->statusBar->setContentsMargins(6, 0, 0, 0); m_ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(m_status, 1); updateButtons(); m_parameters.add("Pixy start command", PT_STRING, "", "The command that is sent to Pixy upon initialization"); // start looking for devices m_connect = new ConnectEvent(this); if (m_connect->getConnected()==NONE) error("No Pixy devices have been detected.\n"); connect(cModule, &CccModule::paletteChanged, this, [=](int index, uint32_t palette)->void{ m_ui->textBrowser->append(QStringLiteral("Palette changed. Index %1, Palette: %2").arg(index).arg(palette)); }); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { if (m_connect) delete m_connect; DBG("deleting mainWindow"); // we don't delete any of the widgets because the parent deletes it's children upon deletion delete m_settings; }
@jrod2much said in Signals and slots or whatever:
I put the connect in the Mainwindow.cpp
Ok, this is correct
I do not use CccModule anywhere else in the Mainwindow.
So where are you using that class?
So here is the entire CccModule.cpp source file:
#include <QPainter> #include <QString> #include <stdio.h> #include "cccmodule.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "qqueue.h" #include "colorlut.h" #include "calc.h" // declare module MON_MODULE(CccModule); CccModule::CccModule(Interpreter *interpreter) : MonModule(interpreter) { int i; m_crc = 0; m_qvals = new uint32_t[0x8000]; m_numQvals = 0; for (i=0; i<CL_NUM_SIGNATURES; i++) m_palette[i] = Qt::black; } CccModule::~CccModule() { delete [] m_qvals; } bool CccModule::render(uint32_t fourcc, const void *args[]) { if (fourcc==FOURCC('C', 'C', 'B', '1')) { renderCCB1(*(uint8_t *)args[0], *(uint16_t *)args[1], *(uint32_t *)args[2], *(uint32_t *)args[3], (uint8_t *)args[4]); return true; } else if (fourcc==FOURCC('C', 'C', 'B', '2')) { renderCCB2(*(uint8_t *)args[0], *(uint16_t *)args[1], *(uint32_t *)args[2], *(uint32_t *)args[3], (uint16_t *)args[4], *(uint32_t *)args[5], (uint16_t *)args[6]); return true; } else if (fourcc==FOURCC('C','C','Q','F')) { renderCCQF(*(uint8_t *)args[0], *(uint16_t *)args[1], *(uint16_t *)args[2]); return true; } else if (fourcc==FOURCC('C','C','Q','S')) { renderCCQS(*(uint32_t *)args[0], (uint32_t *)args[1]); return true; } return false; } bool CccModule::command(const QStringList &argv) { return false; } uint16_t convert10to8(uint32_t signum) { uint16_t res=0; uint32_t q; q = signum/10000; if (q) { res += q*8*8*8*8; signum -= q*10000; } q = signum/1000; if (q) { res += q*8*8*8; signum -= q*1000; } q = signum/100; if (q) { res += q*8*8; signum -= q*100; } q = signum/10; if (q) { res += q*8; signum -= q*10; } if (signum) res += signum; return res; } void CccModule::paramChange() { CccModule* cModule QString m_paletteOne; int i; QVariant val; char id[128]; uint32_t sigLen; uint8_t *sigData; QByteArray ba; bool setPalette; //Maybe something to do with signatures // check to see if any signatures have changed for (i=0, setPalette=false; i<CL_NUM_SIGNATURES; i++) { sprintf(id, "signature%d", i+1); if (pixyParameterChanged(id, &val)) { ba = val.toByteArray(); Chirp::deserialize((uint8_t *), val.toByteArray().size(), &sigLen, &sigData, END); if (sigLen==sizeof(ColorSignature)) { memcpy(m_signatures+i, sigData, sizeof(ColorSignature)); //m_palette[i] = m_signatures[i].m_rgb; //THIS IS THE CODE YOU HAD ME INSERT if(m_palette[i] != m_signatures[i].m_rgb) { m_palette[i] = m_signatures[i].m_rgb; m_paletteOne = QString::number(m_signatures[i].m_rgb); paletteChanged(i,m_palette[i]); } //I want to send m_palette[i] //to the textBrowser in the Mainwindow QString print = "HINT("; setPalette = true; } } } if (setPalette) m_renderer->setPalette(m_palette); // create label dictionary Parameters ¶ms = m_interpreter->m_pixyParameters.parameters(); QStringList words; uint32_t signum; m_labels.clear(); // go through all parameters and find labels for (i=0; i<params.length(); i++) { if (params[i].id().startsWith("Signature label")) { words = params[i].id().split(QRegExp("\\s+")); if (words.length()<3) // bogus! continue; signum = words[2].toUInt(); m_labels.push_back(QPair<uint16_t, QString>(convert10to8(signum), params[i].value().toString().remove(QRegExp("^\\s+")))); // remove leading whitespace } } } QString CccModule::lookup(uint16_t signum) { int i; for (i=0; i<m_labels.length(); i++) { if (m_labels[i].first==signum) return m_labels[i].second; } return ""; } void CccModule::renderCCQF(uint8_t renderFlags, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) { if (renderFlags&RENDER_FLAG_START) m_numQvals = 0; else m_renderer->renderCCQ1(renderFlags, width, height, m_numQvals, m_qvals); } void CccModule::renderCCQS(uint32_t numVals, uint32_t *vals) { uint32_t i; for (i=0; i<numVals && m_numQvals<0x8000; i++) m_qvals[m_numQvals++] = vals[i]; } int CccModule::renderCCB1(uint8_t renderFlags, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t numBlobs, uint8_t *blobs) { float scale = (float)m_renderer->m_video->activeWidth()/width; QImage img(width*scale, height*scale, QImage::Format_ARGB32); if (renderFlags&RENDER_FLAG_BLEND) // if we're blending, we should be transparent img.fill(0x00000000); else img.fill(0xff000000); // otherwise, we're just black numBlobs /= sizeof(BlobC); renderBlobsC(renderFlags&RENDER_FLAG_BLEND, &img, scale, (BlobC *)blobs, numBlobs); m_renderer->emitImage(img, renderFlags, "CCC Blobs"); return 0; } int CccModule::renderCCB2(uint8_t renderFlags, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t numBlobs, uint16_t *blobs, uint32_t numCCBlobs, uint16_t *ccBlobs) { float scale = (float)m_renderer->m_video->activeWidth()/width; QImage img(width*scale, height*scale, QImage::Format_ARGB32); if (renderFlags&RENDER_FLAG_BLEND) // if we're blending, we should be transparent img.fill(0x00000000); else img.fill(0xff000000); // otherwise, we're just black numBlobs /= sizeof(BlobA2)/sizeof(uint16_t); numCCBlobs /= sizeof(BlobA2)/sizeof(uint16_t); renderBlobsA(renderFlags&RENDER_FLAG_BLEND, &img, scale, (BlobA2 *)blobs, numBlobs); renderBlobsA(renderFlags&RENDER_FLAG_BLEND, &img, scale, (BlobA2 *)ccBlobs, numCCBlobs); m_renderer->emitImage(img, renderFlags, "CCC Blobs"); return 0; } void CccModule::renderBlobsA(bool blend, QImage *image, float scale, BlobA2 *blobs, uint32_t numBlobs) { QPainter p; QString str, modelStr; uint x, y, w, h, i; p.begin(image); for (i=0; i<numBlobs; i++) { if (blobs[i].m_model==0) continue; x = scale*blobs[i].m_left; y = scale*blobs[i].m_top; w = scale*blobs[i].m_right - x; h = scale*blobs[i].m_bottom - y; //DBG("%d %d %d %d", left, right, top, bottom); if (blend || blobs[i].m_model>CL_NUM_SIGNATURES+1) Renderer::drawRect(&p, QRect(x, y, w, h), QColor(Qt::white), 0x40); else Renderer::drawRect(&p, QRect(x, y, w, h), m_palette[blobs[i].m_model-1], 0xff); // color code if (blobs[i].m_model>CL_NUM_SIGNATURES+1) { if ((str=lookup(blobs[i].m_model))=="") { modelStr = QString::number(blobs[i].m_model, 8); str = "s=" + modelStr + ", " + QChar(0xa6, 0x03) + "=" + "0";//QString::number(blobs[i].m_angle); } else str += QString(", ") + QChar(0xa6, 0x03) + "=" + "0"; //QString::number(blobs[i].m_angle); } else if ((str=lookup(blobs[i].m_model))=="") str = str.sprintf("s=%d", blobs[i].m_model); Renderer::drawText(&p, x+w/2, y+h/2, str); } p.end(); } void CccModule::renderBlobsC(bool blend, QImage *image, float scale, BlobC *blobs, uint32_t numBlobs) { QPainter p; QString str, modelStr; uint x, y, w, h, i; p.begin(image); for (i=0; i<numBlobs; i++) { if (blobs[i].m_model==0) continue; w = scale*blobs[i].m_width; h = scale*blobs[i].m_height; x = scale*blobs[i].m_x-w/2; y = scale*blobs[i].m_y-h/2; //DBG("%d %d %d %d", left, right, top, bottom); if (blend || blobs[i].m_model>CL_NUM_SIGNATURES+1) Renderer::drawRect(&p, QRect(x, y, w, h), QColor(Qt::white), 0x40); else Renderer::drawRect(&p, QRect(x, y, w, h), m_palette[blobs[i].m_model-1], 0xff); // color code if (blobs[i].m_model>CL_NUM_SIGNATURES+1) { if ((str=lookup(blobs[i].m_model))=="") { modelStr = QString::number(blobs[i].m_model, 8); str = "s=" + modelStr + ", " + QChar(0xa6, 0x03) + "=" + QString::number(blobs[i].m_angle); } else str += QString(", ") + QChar(0xa6, 0x03) + "=" + QString::number(blobs[i].m_angle); } else if ((str=lookup(blobs[i].m_model))=="") str = str.sprintf("s=%d", blobs[i].m_model); Renderer::drawText(&p, x+w/2, y+h/2, str); } p.end(); }
If I search the entire project, 'CccModule' only comes up in this file and its header.
Welcome to my world haha. I don't know how it changes, but it does because I set a printf statement to print it every time the program runs through that section of code and it changes.
Can't we just make it emit the value? I'm not sure I understand anything about the emit function but it sounds like it might work.
ok, you'll need to know whereCccModule
is instantiated, for you be able to listen/connect to signals that are emitted.Do you know where that happens? If not and, you 're using QtCreator, you can simply right-click on the constructor and click on
find uses
that will list all places where the an instance of that class is created, even when it's done in aui
file.Than you can use QObject:connect to connect that instance with your textbrowser
I think I found it:
cccmodule.hclass CccModule : public MonModule { public: CccModule(Interpreter *interpreter); ~CccModule(); //Is this the constructor? virtual bool render(uint32_t fourcc, const void *args[]); virtual bool command(const QStringList &argv); virtual void paramChange();
There are no instantiations in the ui file
you should refresh your c++ skills
what you're pointing out is the destructor.
Also, to use QObject::connet your class needs to be a sublass of QObject somewhere. I don't know the context of
but make sure that QObject is somere the baseclass in the hirachy.Also you should add the Q_Object macro in the header filke, as you're planning to use signals.
@J.Hilk Alright, I have added the Q_OBJECT macro to the header. I found the header and source of MonModule if you'd like to take a look.
monmodule.h#define MAX_MONMODULES 0x40 // this should be way more than neeeded.... class MonModule; class Interpreter; class Parameter; class Renderer; typedef MonModule *(*NewMonModuleFunc)(Interpreter *); typedef QList <MonModule *> MonModules; #define MON_MODULE(module) \ MonModule *newFunc ## module(Interpreter *interpreter) {\ return new module(interpreter); } \ MonModuleUtil g_register ## module(newFunc ## module); class MonModule { public: MonModule(Interpreter *interpreter); virtual ~MonModule(); virtual bool render(uint32_t fourcc, const void *args[]); virtual bool command(const QStringList &argv); virtual void paramChange(); protected: bool pixyParameterChanged(const QString &id, QVariant *val=NULL); bool pixymonParameterChanged(const QString &id, QVariant *val=NULL); QVariant pixyParameter(const QString &id); QVariant pixymonParameter(const QString &id); Interpreter *m_interpreter; Renderer *m_renderer; }; struct MonModuleUtil { MonModuleUtil(NewMonModuleFunc func) { m_modules[m_index++] = func; } static void createModules(MonModules *modules, Interpreter *interpreter) { for (uint i=0; i<m_index; i++) modules->push_back((*m_modules[i])(interpreter)); } static void destroyModules(MonModules *modules) { // delete modules in reverse order for (int i=modules->size()-1; i>=0; i--) delete (*modules)[i]; } static NewMonModuleFunc m_modules[MAX_MONMODULES]; static uint m_index; static Interpreter *m_interpreter; }; void cprintf(const char *format, ...);
NewMonModuleFunc MonModuleUtil::m_modules[MAX_MONMODULES]; unsigned int MonModuleUtil::m_index = 0; Interpreter *MonModuleUtil::m_interpreter = NULL; MonModule::MonModule(Interpreter *interpreter) { m_interpreter = interpreter; m_renderer = m_interpreter->m_renderer; MonModuleUtil::m_interpreter = interpreter; } MonModule::~MonModule() { } bool MonModule::render(uint32_t fourcc, const void *args[]) { return false; } bool MonModule::command(const QStringList &argv) { return false; } void MonModule::paramChange() { } bool MonModule::pixyParameterChanged(const QString &id, QVariant *val) { QMutexLocker lock(m_interpreter->m_pixyParameters.mutex()); Parameter *param = m_interpreter->m_pixyParameters.parameter(id); if (param && val) *val = param->value(); if (param && param->dirty()) return true; return false; } bool MonModule::pixymonParameterChanged(const QString &id, QVariant *val) { QMutexLocker lock(m_interpreter->m_pixymonParameters->mutex()); Parameter *param = m_interpreter->m_pixymonParameters->parameter(id); if (param && val) *val = param->value(); if (param && param->dirty()) return true; return false; } QVariant MonModule::pixyParameter(const QString &id) { return m_interpreter->m_pixyParameters.value(id); } QVariant MonModule::pixymonParameter(const QString &id) { return m_interpreter->m_pixymonParameters->value(id); } void cprintf(const char *format, ...) { char buffer[256]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(buffer, 256, format, args); MonModuleUtil::m_interpreter->cprintf(buffer); va_end(args); }
@jrod2much said in Signals and slots or whatever:
I set a printf statement to print it every time the program runs through that section of code and it changes.
Ok, baby steps. Can you put a breakpoint in that section of code and post us the stack trace you see when it gets hit?
So, I have placed many breakpoints in many places and the program does not terminate at all. The value of m_palette[i] only prints to the output once I manually exit the application running.
The good part is that if I make many changes to m_palette[i], then they all print out in list form. The bad part is that for some reason, the break points Arent being triggered. I took the time to read up on breakpoint implementation so I don't think I am doing it wrong, but nothing is triggering the breakpoints.