'Platform SDK installed' red X Adding Android SDK Tools in Qt Creator
@abanksdev which version of QtCreator are you using ?
I'm using 4.5.1 and this versions makes it very easy to manage Android SDK and Tools -
I actually run into this a couple of days ago,
the problem for me was, I had prio to everything RAD Studio installed, that came with its own SDK and NDK packages.
Later I installed the newes SDK and NDK manually in a specific folder and hat the same issue setting up android kits in QtCreator
The solution was to link against the previous installation of sdk, the one from RAD Studio, et voliĆ , every thing works as intended.
So, you should check for prior installations of android sdk, for example through Android studio.
@ekkescorner I use Qt Creator 4.6.0
No, it's totoaly fine to have Android Studio on your pc as well. What I mean is.If you have installed Android Studio, that installs automatically Android SDK, if you than go and download the standalone Android SDK packet and install that as well.
This was the situation I had. and "linking" aka passing the path to the original SDK installation in QtCreator
solved the issue for me. -
@abanksdev no, I understand @J-Hilk says the other way around:
passing the path to the original SDK installation in QtCreator
setting Qt to use the Android SDK installed automatically by Android Studio (see the paths highlighted in previous post)
@abanksdev Ok, re-reading your post I now think what you're missing is SDK tools for a particular API level. See here the example about installing the SDK tools for API level 26:
sdkmanager "platforms;android-26"
@Pablo-J-Rogina I have Android SDK Platform-Tools version 27.1.10, are you saying I should downgrade to 26?
@abanksdev No. What I said is that you need to check (and eventually install) the platform SDK you have installed, a component which is different from the platform tools.
Could you please do:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager --list
and look at the top entries under "Installed packages: "
Hi all, it turns out that my JDK was incompatible with my Qt Version...I fixed the issue by deinstalling JDK 10 and installing JDK 8
I am using the following Qt versions:With Qt Creator version 4.6.0
And the sdk and ndk I am linking to are packaged within Android Studio (although I did have to download and install the ndk separately.)
@abanksdev great! so if your issue is solved, please don't forget to mark your post as such. Thanks.
Check out this site http://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Android_known_issues
Hi all,
I met such problem and I could summarise how to fix it.
Symtom:- "platform sdk not installed" in Manage Kits->Device.
- can't select Android build SDK in Active Project Build Setting for arm target.
- Install java8 and point the JDK location to it instead of java9 or java10
- as @Winning points out the link:
There are issues with the updated Android SDK which makes it impossible to use it together with earlier versions of Qt for Android. This has been fixed in Qt 5.9.0, but for older versions, it is possible to use the following links to download a working version of the SDK (do not update the SDK after downloading): macOS Windows and Linux.
Download tools_r25.2.5 and replace your SDK tools. Although my Qt is 5.12.0, this replacement is still required so the fix seems not in Qt 5.9.0 or later.
Now all works well :)
Dear All,
I was facing the same issue and I resolved by changing JDK,NDK and SDK. I have tried with JDK 12, NDK r19c and SDK 26.
JDK 12 had version issues, NDK r19c had toolchain issues and SDK 26 had platform SDK issues.Finally, i fixed the environment by using below configuration:
JDK 8, NDK r18b, SDK 25.2.5.I am using kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (Clang Qt 5.12.2 for Android ARMv7).
@ajee I followed the step as you mentioned "Download tools_r25.2.5 and replace your SDK tools." It worked. Thank you.
Please overwrite all files while copying into tools folder. Don't skip files.
@abanksdev Please mark the topic resolved.