Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler '/Applications/Xcode'. Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?
Maybe you are hitting QTBUG-61690
Hi (if you don't want to wait a couple of weeks for 5.9.2) you can apply the patch yourself, open $HOME/Qt/5.9.1/clang_64/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf and change line 41 from
darwin: cxx_flags += -isysroot $$QMAKE_MAC_SDK_PATH
darwin: cxx_flags += -isysroot $$sdk_path_device.value
@mrjj Release version of 5.9.2 is difficult to download right now, not available in MaintenanceTool yet.
@Yogikipl: I tested and could reproduce your bug, when trying to compile the example Qt Quick Controls 2 - Gallery on my Mac. First my fix above wasn't complete, you need the full change (same that's coming in 5.9.2), so change the line (same as before)
darwin: cxx_flags += -isysroot $$QMAKE_MAC_SDK_PATH
to these 5 lines:darwin { uikit:macx-xcode: \ cxx_flags += -isysroot $$sdk_path_device.value else: \ cxx_flags += -isysroot $$QMAKE_MAC_SDK_PATH }
Also it not sufficient just to restart Qt Creator. First, delete your .pro.user file, so you get to reselect the compiler(s) again. Then there's a problem with the caching of files, so try open and close the project a couple of times, to get the "green arrow" lit in Qt Creator and be able to compile.
Ok, so its a build yourself version still :) -
hehe and thats the "Original plan" so might go a bit over :) -
@hskoglund Hi, we try to replace with
darwin {
cxx_flags += -isysroot $$sdk_path_device.value
cxx_flags += -isysroot $$QMAKE_MAC_SDK_PATH
}& create a new project, & also restart several time, but still there is same error.
What happens if you run
in a terminal window ? -
I Resolved the problem with Xcode 14.2 only by removing
from XCode path."Xcode 14.2" renamed to "Xcode-14.2".