I need a qmake for the BeagleBone Black
You can check if it helps:
http://blog.ventisei.eu/ -
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. After reviewing the alternatives, I think maybe it's best that I just go ahead and build Qt for the BBB. As SGaist suggested in his first post, that should give me the qmake I'm having so much trouble finding.
I found this tutorial on how to do this:
It's a bit old, and I know there have been some changes to Qt of late. Can anyone comment on whether it's still valid?
Thank you.
Well, I answered my own question above: the instructions on that page call for copying from a directory mkspecs/qws, but no such directory exists. Has qws (whatever it is) been deprecated?
luca: thank you for the information on the blog. I already have my toolchain (downloaded from linaro) and can download files via scp since my BBB has Internet connectivity. I still don't see where in your steps I'm going to get a qmake. Does this happen when I build Qt (as SGaist) said?
Also, Luca: it appears that linaro has changed the structure of their download directories; you might want to update your blog to reflect that.
With a lot of help from SGaist, I was able to successfully build Qt for the BBB, thereby getting the qmake that I needed. Here's a little information on how we got this working:
- the build command that finally worked is this:
~/Qt/5.8/Src/qtbase/configure -platform linux-g++ -xplatform linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ -release -device linux-beagleboard-g++ \ -sysroot /opt/arm-toolchain/sysroot-glibc-linaro-2.23-2016.11-arm-linux-gnueabihf/ \ -prefix ~/QtForBBB \ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-toolchain/gcc-linaro-6.2.1-2016.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- \ -qt-xcb \ -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-opengl
I needed to download the sysroot as well as the toolchain. This wasn't explicit from the directions. Make sure that the two downloads are for the same platform.
it's a good idea to run the configure on an empty directory.
when the configure runs successfully to completion, it will tell you to run make but not make install. My experience was that I had to run make, then run make install, in order to get everything I needed.
I never did find out why that trailing dash ("-") is needed on the pathname for CROSS_COMPILE, but it is indeed necessary.
after you get Qt configured and made, you'll go into Creator (assuming you're using Creator) and create new entries for the compilers (C and C++) and debugger. You'll then use these new entries for a new kit you'll make for the BBB.
Hopefully, this information will help other people who are doing this as their first build. Feel free to ask questions, as I'm sure I missed some things. Thanks again to everyone who assisted.
That's because the
value will be used as prefix to call all tools.Something a bit like:
Hi all,
I am new to both Qt and Beaglebone Black.
I am trying to make qmake for Beaglebone black.Mzimmers wrote here: "I needed to download the sysroot as well as toolchain"
Can anybody tell me where from I can download the sysroot.
I have downloaded and installed the the linaro toolchainThanks in advance for the help.
Hi, Sajeevan -
Where did you get your cross-development toolchain? If possible, it's probably a good idea to get them from the same location. As the code in my command indicates, I got both from Linaro's site.
The toolchain is the 2nd item from the bottom in the list.
Hi Mzimmers,
Thank You very much. I have been searching for sysroot everywhere except in Linaro sight!!
@mzimmers I am really new in this.
I trying to configure Qt to use with the Beaglebone by Cross-compile
I followed some step from several tutorials, but some links are down or are so old, and I get some errors.
I want to compile QT 5.8 because I need to use the Modbus library, But I dont know how to start to set up
1.- I have a computer where I have installed Ubuntu 16.04 on a virtual machine using virtualbox.
2.- I downloaded the lasted toolchain and the sysroot from linaro
What are the next step in detail?
My Beaglebone has the lasted image from the oficial page Debian 8.7 2017-03-19 4GB SD LXQTI'm sorry for my English, I'm a Spanish speaker.
Hi, Dario -
Unfortunately, I had to rebuild my system this weekend, so I don't have an active BBB configuration right now. If you have the toolchain and sysroot, the next step is to build qmake for BBB. Use the configure command I listed in post #13 in this thread, and then make and make install.
When I get to rebuilding my BBB configuration, I'll be happy to help you more, but it's not a high priority, so it may take me some time.
@sxr3455 If you take a closer look at the link @mzimmers posted you will see that there is a typo. Here is correct and working link: