Qt Creator: Manual kit not selectable
Hello. I've been happily using a manual kit for non-qt projects for many weeks, but now it is unselectable. The only thing I've done since the last time I used it was configure CMake and Android. The settings screen for the kit doesn't show any errors. I tried adding a new kit and that doesn't work either. What happened and how can I make it work again? Thanks.
Qt version: Qt 5.7.0 MinGW 32bit
Qt Creator version: 4.1.0
Android kit: Android for x86 (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.7.0)
Manual kit: MSYS2/Mingw64
OS: Windows 8.1
@Tom_H Mystery solved. I discovered that I could use the manual kit if I chose cmake as the build tool. But if I chose qmake, the manual kit was not available. My fatal mistake was after I configured cmake, I edited the manual kit settings to add the cmake tool, but then I set "Qt version" to None to get rid of the warning telling me I couldn't build Qt projects with that compiler. All good now.